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霍普金斯最先将情况通知我。Hopkins sent me the earliest intimation.

暗示的短信自动选择调用。Automatic SMS intimation for chosen calls.

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只有美国人才能完全同意他的说法。Only Americans fully share his intimation.

他的医生没有透露他的病情很严重。There was no intimation from his doctor that his condition was serious.

不过他有一种奇特的预感,感到了某件事情就要发生!Still he had a strange prescience , an intimation of something yet to come.

群体性事件还具有模仿效应或扩散效应的特点。There is also an intimation effect or diffusion effect among mass incidents.

当地人收到的第一声海啸即将到来的警报,便是咆哮在海岸边的巨响。Their first intimation of the incoming wave was its roaring sound just offshore.

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城市上空升起的火焰多少向埃涅阿斯暗示了不祥的事件…The flames rising over the city gave to Aeneas some intimation of the fatal event.

听了这个消息,大炮俱乐部的会员们只耸了耸肩膀,就继续进行伟大的工作去了。At this intimation the gun club merely shrugged its shoulders and returned to its great work.

此服务还可以添加一些特性,将通知或提示发送给日志用户。This service can also add features to send notification or intimation to the users of the log.

雷诺奶奶听到伊丽莎白跟她主人相熟,便好象益发敬重她。Mrs. Reynolds's respect for Elizabeth seemed to increase on this intimation of her knowing her master.

但罗伯特倔强地改变了我的少言寡语,由此我第一次感到了他那份爱的力量。But Robert stubbornly refused to accept my silence. It was my first intimation of the strength of his love.

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那么,为什么当我们长大以后,我们好象失去了对某种超越的东西,某种更有意义的东西的那种快乐的隐隐约约的感觉?And why is it that as we grow older we seem to lose that joyous intimation of something beyond, something of greater significance?

事实上,圣经里没有一处暗示说人应当仅仅停止去犯某一些罪,或少犯一些他正在犯的别的罪。The fact is that there is no intimation in the Bible that anyone should stop certain sins only, or diminish the amount of other sins he commits.

通过数据处理,给出了车队离散过程中的多点流量图式以及多段的车速分布。The intimation of vehicles speed distribution and run time distribution is also given, as well as the applicable range of each platoon dispersion model.

还对车辆行驶速度及行驶时间分布进行了拟合,分析了各离散模型的适用范围。The intimation of vehicles' speed distribution and run time distribution is also given, as well as the applicable range of each platoon dispersion model.

还有,啊,轻易看不见人的脸,还有,比什么都糟的是肯尼兹可怕的暗示,说我不到春天甭想出门!And, oh, this dearth of the human physiognomy! and, worse than all, the terrible intimation of Kenneth that I neednot expect to be out of doors till spring!

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还有,啊,轻易看不见人的脸,还有,比什么都糟的是肯尼兹可怕的暗示,说我不到春天甭想出门!And, oh, this dearth of the human physiognomy! and, worse than all, the terrible intimation of Kenneth that I need not expect to be out of doors till spring!

他还在以往保守主义传统论的基础上,发展了“追求暗示”的理论,使得保守主义与守旧主义区分了开来。He also discussed in the foundation of Conservatism tradition, developed the " pursuit of intimation " theory, caused the Conservatism and fogyism differentiated.

你们看到约翰·弥尔顿的一点暗示,这位出版作品的诗人,他的能量将完全花费在出版自己的诗篇上。And you're getting to see something like an intimation of John Milton the published poet, a poet whose energies are going to be directed toward making his poems public.