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我们的教授非常博学多闻。Our professor is very scholarly.

这种是学者会去买的。This is for the scholarly buyer.

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咱们的教授非比寻常博学多闻。Our professor is Very abundance scholarly.

那是有学问的人说的傻话。That's the silly talk of scholarly people.

这里既有交流为目的的用户,也有为学术为目的的用户。There are communication and scholarly uses.

阅读学术期刊只会让我到此为止。Reading scholarly journals will only get me so far.

这大都是一些孤立的,学究式的文件。These were mostly detached and scholarly documents.

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我想你对新话颇有学术上的兴趣吧?You take a scholarly interest in Newspeak, I believe?

顺便提一下,这也是我很久以来的学术兴趣。This by the way is one of my oldest scholarly interests.

他们应该避免学术探讨,尤其是科学。They should avoid scholarly pursuits, especially science.

我的目标是出版一本关于彼得·莫恩的学术著作。My object was to publish a scholarly work on Peter Mourne.

现今的历史学者大多是些学究气十足的人。Historians are for the most part very scholarly men nowadays.

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人群中就有海斯特的丈夫,一个沉默寡言,有学者气质的人。In the crowd is Hester's husband, a reserved and scholarly man.

我们知道米尔顿已经进入历史,他有着政治生命和学术生命,”瑞尼说道。He had a political life and he had a scholarly life," Reny said.

银行家太太怀特夫人,认为他有学者风度,文质彬彬。Mrs White, the banker's wife, thought him scholarly and refined.

电子预印本是一种开放的学术信息交流媒介。E-print is an open communication intermedium of scholarly information.

校长是个很有学识的人,他的学生都尊沉他。The schoolmaster was a scholarly man. All his pupils looked up to him.

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一些学术文献也认可消费者打分的重要性。The scholarly literature concurs with the importance of consumer ratings.

还有学生,在学术刊物上发表了总结性课程论文。And other people have published in scholarly journals their Capstone work.

书香门第,武术世家。14岁皈依武当派。Scholarly family, martial arts family. 14-year-old convert to Wu-Tang Clan.