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白癫风可发生于任何年龄的人。Vitiligo may appear at any age.

白癫风是没有传染性的。Vitiligo is not contagious in any way.

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以“白癜汤”治疗白癜风40例。Cases of Vitiligo treated by "Decoction Vitiligo".

人谁也白癜风是敏感的太阳。People who have vitiligo are sensitive to the sun.

将它和补骨脂使用是有益于家庭治疗白癜风的。Its use with Psoralen is beneficial as a home remedy of vitiligo.

目的探讨治疗白疲风的有效方法。Objectives To explore more effective therapy method for vitiligo.

它和罗望子一起使用对于白癜风的治疗十分的有益。Its use with tamarind is very beneficial for the cure of Vitiligo.

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补骨脂是最有效的治疗白癜风的植物。Psoralen is the most effective herb for the treatment of vitiligo.

皮肤黝黑的人可能会发现在任何时候白癜风的发病。People with dark skin may observe the onset of vitiligo at any time.

目的探讨影响白癜风发病环境中可能的危险因素。Objective To study potential risk factors for vitiligo in environment.

报告1例斑秃伴白癜风和盘状红斑狼疮。A case of alopecia areata associated with vitiligo and DLE is reported.

白癜风是一种常见的、以色素脱失斑为主要表现的皮肤病。Vitiligo is a common skin disease characterized by depigmented macules.

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白癜风由于表皮黑素细胞的功能丧失而引起。Vitiligo is associated with the function loss of epidermal melanocytes.

白癜风患者通常需要100-300治疗一年或更长时间。Patients with vitiligo usually require 100-300 treatments over a year or more.

白癜风患者的皮肤癌发病率并不比未患白癜风的人群高。Rates of cancer for those with vitiligo are not higher than for those without it.

孔林别的不讨厌,就是受不了这股酸味。Lin disliked the sour smell, which was the only uncomfortable thing to Vitiligo here.

目的分析白癜风患者血清抗黑素细胞抗体与恶性黑素瘤的相关性。Objective To study the relevance of anti-melanocyte antibody in vitiligo and melanoma.

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白癜风合并先天性色素痣这一现象值得进一步研究。The relationship between vitiligo and congenital nevus needs to be further elucidated.

接枝的这类型的皮肤有时用白斑病的小片作为患者。This type of skin grafting is sometimes used for patients with small patches of vitiligo.

有人宣称患白癜风或脱色后会增加得皮肤癌的机率,这是不正确的。Claims that vitiligo or depigmentation leads to greater chance of skin cancer are not true.