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至于该如何应对痛经呢?As for how to deal with dysmenorrhea ?

痛经有关的风险因素包括Risk factors associated with dysmenorrhea include

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预防偏头痛、痛经和关节炎痛。Prevent migraine, dysmenorrhea and arthritis pain.

如果是以前没有而现在有痛经,那就要看医生了!If the past is not there now dysmenorrhea , it depends on the doctor!

生活中,许多女性尤其是年轻女性都会受到痛经的骚扰。Life, many women, especially young women will be dysmenorrhea harassment.

目的确定香附治疗痛经的有效部位。ObjectiveTo confirm the effective part of Rhizoma Cyperi on dysmenorrhea.

听到别人说,痛经有可能导致不孕的时候,我更怕了。Hear people say, dysmenorrhea may lead to infertility, I am more afraid of.

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目的观察研究当归油对小鼠痛经的镇痛作用。Objection To observe analgesic effect of Angelica oil on mouse dysmenorrhea.

为了进一步评估绿在原发性痛经的治疗效果。To further evaluate the efficacy of GF in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.

掌握痛经的定义、辨证治疗。Master the definition, syndrome differentiation and treatment of Dysmenorrhea.

结论青痛灵合剂治疗青春期痛经疗效好。Conclusion Qing Ling pain treatment of adolescent agent dysmenorrhea good effect.

它标榜能够防止痛经并邀请了河莉秀作为广告代言人。It boasts of avoiding dysmenorrhea and it invites Harisu to be advertising endorser.

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熟悉痛经的病因病机、辨证分型。Acquaint with the etiology, pathogenesis and syndrome differentiation of Dysmenorrhea.

噪声暴露对纺织女工的痛经和有无排卵影响并不明显。However, noise exposure was not strongly related to dysmenorrhea and ovulatory status.

痛经常用的方药及研究进展。Prescriptions and herbs commonly applied and the research development of Dysmenorrhea.

不知道你用了效果怎么样,因为每个人痛经的类型不一样。Do not know how you use the kind of effect, because everyone is different type of dysmenorrhea.

患者平均年龄35.8岁,以痛经、经血过多为主要症状。The patient′s average age was 35.8 years. The main complainant were dysmenorrhea and hypermenorrhea.

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适用于寒凝痛经,小腹疼痛而冷、得热痛减,经少色黑者。Dysmenorrhea tools to apply, the lower abdomen pain and chills, pain reduction in the heat, fewer black people.

妇科生理不顺、经疼、习惯性流产、更年期障碍、赤白带、子官下垂。Gynecology Dysmenorrhea , menstrual pain, recurrent miscarriage, menopausal disorders, red leucorrhea, metroptosis.

目的观察疏肝理气化瘀法治疗功能性痛经的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of dredging liver to regulate qi and remove stasis in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea.