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幼虫黑褐色,多毛。Larvae dark brown, hairy.

阿尔文穿得像一头毛茸茸的熊。Alwin dressed as a hairy bear.

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它把一只毛茸茸的脚爪伸到前面。He put one big hairy paw ahead of him.

子房半下位,有毛,花柱2。Ovary semi-inferior, hairy , styles 2.

大闸蟹在中国特别受欢迎。Hairy crabs are extremely popular in China.

这个老板娘是个希腊人,手臂上长满了汗毛。The proprietor was a Greek with hairy arms.

一对偌大的,毛茸茸的耳朵竖起在雪堆上。Two huge, hairy ears stuck up above the snowdrift.

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方兴玉是不会在湿热的夏天做毛豆腐的。Fang will not make hairy tofu in the sultry summer.

没有胡子的脸?不不,我的脸实际上是毛茸茸的。看!Barefaced?No no, this really is my hairy face –look!

它咧嘴笑着,口水沿着多毛的下巴淌着。He grinned , and saliva dripped down his hairy chin.

一个是在高原上嚎叫,一个是在毛发里游弋。One howls on the prairie and one prowls on the hairy.

我点的是毛蟹,而你给我上的是青蟹。I ordered the hairy crab but you gave me the green crab.

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所以我们在,幸与不幸的边缘。So we were on the hairy edge of being lucky and unlucky.

从毛状根上直接分化出不定芽和根。Differentiation of bud and root directly from hairy root.

我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。I ordered the hairy crab, but you gave me the green crab.

毛状根能在不含激素的MS培养基上生长。The hairy roots grew well on MS hormone free agar medium.

由下胚轴成功的诱导出毛状根。The hypocotyls were succeeded in inducing the hairy roots.

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库格麦斯头顶已秃,身上的汗毛茂盛得像头熊,可是他壮心未已。Kugelmass was bald and as hairy as a bear, but he had soul.

他们发现,是否烧伤取决于植物或人表层毛发多少。And they found that the results depend on how hairy you are.

黑种草种子是一个关于3毫米小,长,是毛茸茸的。The black cumin seed is a tiny, about 3mm long, and is hairy.