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已分解的禾秆、叶及草Decomposed rice straw, leaves and grass

重构都可以像这样来拆分。Every refactoring can be decomposed like this.

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枯死的树腐烂了,只好被连根拔掉。The dead tree decomposed and had to be uprooted.

然后氢化物在低温火焰中分解。The hydrides are then decomposed in a low-temperature flame.

水可由能量来分解,所谓能量就是电流。Water can be decomposed by energy, a current of electricity.

业务流程通常可以分解为子流程。Business processes can often be decomposed into subprocesses.

催化剂在水中易分解或失活。Many catalysts in water are easily decomposed or inactivated.

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不新鲜的水果和蔬菜遇热很快就腐烂了。The old fruits and vegetables decomposed quickly in the heat.

12个月后,科学家们发现,未处理的塑料完全没有分解。After 12 months, the untreated plastic hadn’t decomposed at all.

由于尸体已经开始变质腐烂,他全身变得像饼干一样的脆。The corpse has become fragile as a piece of biscuit and decomposed.

细菌把牛奶分解成固态和液态成分。The bacteria decomposed the milk into its solid and liquid elements.

最适合易于分解成子系统的问题。Works best when the problem can be readily decomposed into subproblems.

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第二个步骤是将已分解的物质转化为有机酸。The second step is the conversion of decomposed matter to organic acids.

在球极坐标下,将球面按纬度分解为两个非重叠子区域。In the case of two subdomains, the subdomains are decomposed by latitude.

把狄拉克方程分解成了两个单旋量的联立方程组。The Dirac equation is decomposed into a pair of equations of two spinors.

早上在阿林顿国家公墓发现了一具腐烂的尸体。A decomposed corpse was found this morning at Arlington National Cemetery.

通过区域将路由分解为域间路由和域内路由两个部分。The routing is further decomposed to inter-area routing and intra-area routing.

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警方走进屋内并在3楼发现了两具高度腐烂的尸体,另两具尸体也在隐藏处被发现。They entered the house to find two badly decomposed corpses on the third floor.

但是如果必须使用一个或多个复杂规则分解字符串会发生什么情况?But what happens if a string must be decomposed using one or more complex rules?

“沤”指的是食物腐熟消化的地方。" By "fermentation tun" is meant the place where food is decomposed and digested.