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她没有责任去确保世俗的精确和逼真。She has no duty to earthly accuracy or verisimilitude.

故事必须有逼真的事物让多数人感兴趣。Stories must have verisimilitude to interest most people.

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这样他就借助逼真性观念坚持了自己的实在论。So he hold his realism by developing his theory on verisimilitude.

根据好像真实,然后,肯恩有了一点点抱怨。In terms of verisimilitude , then, Ken had little to complain about.

电视是写实的镜头艺术,再现生活真实,具有逼真性。TV is a realistic lens art reproduction of real life, with verisimilitude.

为了对导弹尾焰进行逼真模拟,给出了一种有效的方法。In order to enhance the verisimilitude of missile plume, an effective simulation method was provided.

的确,使用当地语言描述产品增强了真实感。Indeed, when you represent local products, using the local language adds verisimilitude to your claims.

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波普尔在科学探索的目标问题上引入了“逼真性”和“逼真度”等概念。The property of closure to the truth, which is had by science theory, is named as"verisimilitude"by Popper.

既挑战了人像画应写实的传统,亦带领了我们思考和研究该画作及其主题。This questions any sense of verisimilitude we, as the viewer, may invest in to the work and its painted subject.

此外,他把塔尔斯基的真理理论作为逼真性概念的理论基础也是错误的。In addition, it is a mistake for Popper to take Tarski's truth theory as the basis of his concept of verisimilitude.

托马斯代米德摄影的主要特征就是或多或少地脱离了现实性,而创造出了一种在制作与真实之间的张力。The strength of Thomas Demand's photography lies in its ability to escape reality and create a tension between fabrication and verisimilitude.

尤其在交互式的虚拟环境中,人体运动的形象化描述和他的行为建模与仿真变得越来越为重要。Especially in the exchange virtual environment, verisimilitude depiction of human motion and its modeling and emulation are more and more important.

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格利高里奥知道他的著名人物不指望他准确地描述本体世界,没有盲目崇拜历史真实性。Gregorio, mindful that his famous character wouldn't expect him to accurately render the noumenal world, doesn't fetishize historical verisimilitude.

这使得电影更加逼真,虽然对于音乐剧来说很不寻常,但十分契合故事内容。That decision brought the film a verisimilitude unusual for a musical but well-suited to the poignant story of romance amidst Times Square low-lifes.

尽管如此,还是有学者为波普尔的“逼真性”真理观进行了辩护,本文最后介绍一下新近人们对于波普尔“逼真性”的五种解决方案。I will give various criticisms to Popper's theory in my article. I also point out five solutions to Popper's"verisimilitude"truth theory which are provided recently.

逼真性和运动性是动像视听传媒及其艺术形式区别于其他传媒及其艺术形式的两个带根本性的美学特征。The verisimilitude and motility are the two fundamental aesthetic characteristics, which distinguish the artistic forms of the action AV media from those of other medium.

牛顿—史密斯提出温和理性主义,从实在论的角度为科学的合理性提供辩护,让科学理论的“逼真性”保证科学的合理性。Newton-Smith's temperate rationalism defends the rationality of science from the point of view of realism. The verisimilitude thesis guarantees the rationality of science.

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关于他名字的剧本应该是与他同时代的希罗迪卡斯的杰作,“你是古来勇略进取于战的人”,这似乎是说,有关他的那些描述未必全都没有真实性。The play on his name which was made by his contemporary Herodicus, "thou wast ever bold in battle, " seems to show that the description of him is not devoid of verisimilitude.

本文探讨了像全息图的制作,提出了制作像全息图的要点,达到了提高像全息的清晰度及逼真性的目的。This paper discusses the making of resemblance hologram and some main points for attention, which aim at increasing the articulation and verisimilitude of resemblance hologram.

该系统能够顺利地进行汽车虚拟试验,可以实现良好的人一机交互,能够保证系统运行的实时性和试验过程的逼真性。The system can carry on the virtual experiments of vehicle and realize the human-machine interaction easily. It can also satisfy the real time need of the virtual system and verisimilitude.