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同时,一面水墙奔腾着从断层带向本州岛沿岸涌去。Meanwhile, a wall of water surged from the fault zone toward the coast of Honshu.

本州西部之雅助河,是地形学上“衰弱河”的一个实例。West Honshu elegantly helps the river, is in the geomorphology "thefeeble river" an example.

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日本本州岛北部的其他县亦可能是相同的情况。Other prefectures in the northern part of Japan's main Honshu island could face similar tolls.

“洛克”在日本本州岛中南部城市滨松附近引发山体滑坡。"Locke" in south-central city of Hamamatsu, Japan, Honshu Island, near the trigger landslides.

日本本州岛最北部青森湾上的一座城市。90'年开始对外进行贸易,现为本州北部主要港口。人口294,050。Opened to foreign trade in 90', it is now the chief port of northern Honshu. Population, 294,050.

除去海啸,周六早晨本州岛还发生6.6级地震,首都东京受到影响。A strong 6.6-magnitude quake which hit the west of Honshu island, away from the tsunami, early Saturday was felt in Tokyo.

通常,在一年中低温的月份中,在日本本州的东北部,地表的风沿海岸吹,或者基本是自西向东吹。Commonly, during cooler months of the year, surface winds blow off shore, or essentially west to east, in northeastern Honshu.

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日本警方今天称本州地震的死亡人数已上升到433人,其中有784人下落不明。Japanese police today put the number of dead from the Honshu earthquake catastrophe at 433, with another 784 people unaccounted for.

在日本历史上袭击了本州岛东北海岸的九级地震在今年的三月里不太可能会有这么大的冲击性。The 9.0 earthquake that struck the northeast coast of Honshu this past March is not likely to have such an impact on Japan’s history.

在海面大地震后的三天里,本州岛经受了数百次余震,专家指出,在接下来的几星期应该还有更多的余震。In the three days since the offshore earthquake, Honshu island has suffered hundreds of aftershocks, with experts expecting more in the coming weeks.

暹芭于八月三十日在日本鹿儿岛附近登陆,同日转向东北移动,横越九州及本州的西南部。On 30 august, chaba made landfall near kagoshima, japan. it then turned northeastward and rampaged across kushu and the southwestern part of honshu the same day.

暹芭于八月三十日在日本鹿儿岛附近登陆,同日转向东北移动,横越九州及本州的西南部。On 30 august , chaba made landfall near kagoshima , japan . it then turned northeastward and rampaged across kushu and the southwestern part of honshu the same day.

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目前,日本拥有世界上最长的海底隧道,全长54公里的日本青函海底隧道将本州和北海道连接起来,项目于1988年开工,经过20多年的建设才完成。Japan has the world's longest undersea tunnel. The 54-km Seikan tunnel links Honshu and Hokkaido islands and started operating in 1988 after more than two decades of construction.

信浓川地震带位于日本大地沟北部,地壳运动十分强烈,区内地震主要沿信浓川流域发生,并密集成带,大地构造上处于日本海板块向本州板块俯冲的边界线上。The Shinanogawa seismic belt, which is developed in the Northern Fossa Magna, Honshu Island, Japan, extends along the Shinano River bounding the Eurasian Plate and the Okhotsk Plate.

发现尚未定名的孩子,带来新的希望,或许在本州东岸,盖数十里受蹂躏的地方,会发现有其他人尚存。But the discovery of the unnamed child has given fresh hope that others might be found alive in the shattered landscape which covers scores of miles of the east coast of Honshu island.

美国地质勘测早些时候证实在距离仙台东部81海里,15.1海里深的海底发生了7.9级地震,后来修改为8.9级。The U.S. Geological Survey earlier verified a magnitude of7.9 at a depth of 15.1 miles and located the quake 81 miles east of Sendai, on the main island of Honshu. It later upgraded it to 8.9.

圣哥达隧道的长度将超过位于日本本州岛和北海道岛之间,长度达53.8公里的Seikan铁路隧道,以及世界上最长的公路隧道——24.5公里长的挪威Laerdal隧道。The Gotthard tunnel will exceed the 53.8-kilometer Seikan rail tunnel linking the Japanese islands of Honshu and Hokkaido and the world's longest road tunnel, the 24.5-kilometer Laerdal in Norway.