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你能听到他费力的呼吸声。You can hear his labored breathing.

但是,我们松懈了,他们努力了。But we slacked off, and they labored on.

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一整夜,她独自在严寒中劳动。All night long ,she labored alone in the cold.

疲劳困惫时,可以攻击。If they have labored hard, they can be attacked.

那老太太挎着包费力地慢慢爬上山坡。The old woman labored up the hillside with her bags.

但是,这些商人在工厂里打过工吗?But have these businessmen ever labored in a factory?

然后我们都安静了下来,我想大概是因为大家都吃不消这样费力的交流方式吧!We grew quiet, both, I think, weary from the labored exchange.

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第二章对股票市场风险的特征及分类进行了详细分析。Chapter two labored the tinctures and sorts of risk of stock market.

老人休息了一会儿,又迎着风艰难地向远方走去。The old man rested for a moment and then labored along against the wind.

他的呼吸显得很吃力,由此判断他很可能还有几根肋骨骨折。Judging by his labored breathing he probably had a few broken ribs as well.

他父亲参加过二战之后在一家火车车厢厂工作。His father had fought in World War II and later labored in a train-car factory.

新政府洗雪了人民过去所蒙受的冤屈。The new government removed the injustice under which the population had labored.

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他又重重地喘息了几下,透过模糊的视线,他慢慢地明白发生了什么事。A few more labored breaths as his blurred vision slowly reveals what has happened.

阿伦特在20世纪50年代与他重新建立联系,并着力恢复他的名誉。In the 1950s Arendt re-established ties with him and labored to revive his reputation.

修脚师用因一生辛勤劳作而变得通红的手指工作着。With reddened fingers deformed from a lifetime of hard work, the pedicurist labored on.

另一方面,大卫努力制作了一套奇特的、别出心裁的皮革裤套装。David, on the other hand, had labored to fabricate a curious patent leather trouser suit.

由于有限的空气进入肺部,干型溺水也会导致呼吸困难。Dry drowning can also cause labored breathing due to the limited air getting into the lungs.

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我找到一切可能的机会去看他,甚至在他说话和呼吸都很费力的时候。I took any opportunity I could to visit him, even as his speech and breathing became labored.

与此同时,他还开始为洛多维科的父亲弗切朗科·斯福尔扎雕刻一尊巨型骑马塑像。He also labored on a monumental equestrian statue in honor of Lodovico's father, Francesco Sforza.

我离那头麋鹿非常近,能听见它吃力的呼吸声,感觉到它时不时的就颤动一下。I was close enough to the elk to hear its labored breathing and its occasional quivers and shakes.