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初次破坏鬼的部位。Destroy an Oni body part for the first time.

在无限讨伐中连续挑战10回。Slay 10 consecutive Oni in an Infinite Mission.

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黑鬼长有硬皮,挥舞巨大的刀剑。Most Oni dress in tighter skins and wield huge swords.

现在,因为恶鬼不会游泳,他们想出了一个拦住她的好办法。Now, because oni do not swim , they thought of a plan to stop her.

郝贵就说自己保证能完成任务,还说以后要是真的能在军情局一定能大展拳脚的。Hao Gui said he can complete the task, also said if really in oni can flex its muscles.

海军情报局的报告指出中国攻击型核潜艇过去十年得到快速扩张。The ONI report noted the rapid expansion ofChinese submarines of offensive weapons technology in the past decade.

他们如同大部分鬼一样是个低阶的法师,可以向范围内的敌人投掷火焰和毒液。Kuro- Oni , like most Oni , are minor magicians and can throw flames and poison at their enemies. Oni don't need to eat.

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鬼是一种丑陋的小型魔鬼,长着醒目的眼睛、红色的散发、以及大肚皮,手脚都有爪,脸似猪。Oni are small ugly demons with staring eyes, unkempt red hair and pot-bellies. They have clawed feet, fangs and porcine faces.

全面了解视神经损伤后基因表达的变化对于深入研究损伤后反应特别是再生反应的机制具有重要意义。A global view on the gene expression pattern following ONI is crucial to discover the mechanism of post-injury reaction and regeneration.

尽管依照ONI报告称JL-2能打击美国大陆,估计它提供的射程是不够到达美国本土或夏威夷。Although the ONI report states that the Julang-2 can target the Continental United States, the range estimate it provides is insufficient to reach the lower 48 states or Hawaii.

通过演出、工作坊、艺术合作,欧尼舞团启发观众,并与观众分享人生中平实而又诗意的经历。Through public performances, workshops, and artistic collaborations, Oni Dance shares with and educates its audience in literal and poetic encounters that illuminate the human experience.