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许多人批评乔治卡特林。Many people criticise George Catlin.

我们不会批评宗教或者宗教自由。We would not criticise religion or religious freedom.

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它也将对部长们拒绝给予证言提出批评。It will also criticise ministers for refusing to give evidence.

研究人员不能不公正地批评或贬损其他研究人员。Researchers must not unjustifiably criticise or disparage other Researchers.

他们只是希望我不要过穷日子,我不能批评他们。I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty.

印度人应该祝贺中国,别心胸狭窄,别批评和谴责中国。Indians should congratulate China, not be small-minded and criticise and condemn.

面对自己的拖沓病,人们经常憎恶自己、批评自己、并情绪消沉。People often dislike, criticise and put themselves down for their procrastination.

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然后,我批判阿冈本对基督论的聚焦,因为这有许多的问题。Further, I criticise Agamben's focus on Christology, since this has a host of problems.

但决不能因为新移民批评政府的政策,就拒绝他们成为英国国民。But there should be no question of barring people because they criticise government policy.

而且,我不能因为他们希望我永远不用经历贫穷而批抨他们。What is more, I cannot criticise my parents for hoping that I would never experience poverty.

Black及其同事也批评了该基金会缺乏对低收入和中等收入国家的直接资助。Black and colleagues also criticise the lack of direct funding to low- and middle-income countries.

管住舌头,不要急于批评,因为这样你就可以偷偷掩盖自己的竞争性情绪。Hold that tongue before jumping in to criticise because secretly you've harboured competitive feelings.

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他认财政部长时,假如IMF胆敢对英国经济吹毛求疵,他对此还会不屑一顾。As chancellor of the exchequer, if the IMF dared criticise the British economy he used to be dismissive.

对损害消费者合法权益的行为,通过大众传播媒介予以揭露、批评。reveal and criticise acts harmful to the legal rights and interests of consumers through the mass media.

你可以批评他防守不给力,但是我敢说在队中没有人能够像他一样在边路大作文章。You can criticise him defensively, but I can't see who else in the team gets wide and gets to the byline.

否则,他们可能在将来不再愿意与您接触,或者更糟糕的是,他们可能会公开批评您的简报。Otherwise, they may be reluctant to talk to you in future — or worse — may publicly criticise your briefing.

他们甚至有在广播电台、出版物和互联网批评政府的自由,尽管还不允许在电视媒体上这么做。They are even free to criticise the Kremlin on radio, in print and on the internet, though not on television.

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新时期以来的作家们,以粮食为切入点反思这段历史,是对左倾政治思想的批判。The New-era writers, starting from the food problem, reflect this period of history and criticise the leftism.

不幸的是,在我们社会中有许多人批评穿着长袍的那些优雅的妇女。It is unfortunate that there are many in our society who criticise women who wear abayas that are more elegant.

记者们调查并批评政府,来帮助选民们决定是保留他们还是抛弃他们。Journalists investigate and criticise governments, thus helping voters decide whether to keep them or sack them.