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你有吃过自制的冰淇淋吗?HaWe you ever tried homemade ice cream?

我那锅里有自己做的汤。I've got some homemade soup in the pan.

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她拿自制的冰淇淋作甜点心。She had homemade ice cream for dessert.

其他自制的食物礼品怎么样呢?How about some other homemade food gifts?

那是因为我用了自己熬的牛肉汤头。That's because I used homemade beef broth.

可询问服务人员今日汤品。Ask our server for today's homemade choice.

自制的华夫饼也很容易冷冻。Homemade waffles can be easily frozen, too.

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你看一下国产的旅游鞋号码?May I show you a pair of homemade sneakers?

我用了特别的佐料和自制蕃茄酱。I use a special dressing and homemade catsup.

我用了特别的佐料和自制的番茄酱。I use a special dressing and homemade catsup.

烧掉你的皮带,那是本国产的假货。Bursting your belt that is your homemade sham.

用自制橡皮泥做个动物家族.Build animal families out of homemade play doh.

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粉丝们不分老少,都送给本手工制作的麸松饼。Fans of all ages sent him homemade bran muffins.

祖母自制的酒是用梅子酿的。Grandmother's homemade wine was made from plums.

毕竟亲手做的东西是最好的礼物。After all, homemade projects make the best gifts!

试问谁能抗拒家乡的南瓜饼的味道?But who among us can resist homemade pumpkin pie?

我所有的朋友都喜欢我妈自家做的南瓜饼。All my friends like my mother homemade pumpkin pie.

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一提到松饼,就唤起了人们对母亲牌食品和温暖厨房的美好记忆。The name evokes a warm kitchen and homemade goodness.

那就是著名的居家鸡汤,我能再要一碗么?Famous homemade chicken soup, can I have another bowl?

非常棒的点心,面包也是自制的。还有非常美味的咖啡。Great pastries, the bread is homemade. Awesome coffee.