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澳门于1999年不谈政治说英语早日回归祖国怀抱祖国。Macao came back to China in 1999.

澳门立法院选举开始投票。Macao kicks off legislative election.

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我们还坐船游遍了整个澳门。We also traveled around Macao by ship.

我们坚信澳门的明天会更加美好。We are à Macao will be even á tomorrow.

然后我们结束了澳门的两天之行。Then we finish our two-day-trip in Macao.

杰克把他的钱全花在澳门的赌博上。Jack blew all his money gambling in Macao.

澳门赌场何鸿燊称被家人“劫持”分家。Macao casino tycoon says he was given raw deal.

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今日的澳门好似一朵金莲嫣然绽放。Macao today is like a blooming golden lotus flower.

这些是往返香港和澳门间的渡轮。These are ferries that ply between Hong Kong and Macao.

在澳门,龙舞和狮舞营造了新年的气氛。Dragon and lion dances create a festive spirit in Macao.

葡萄牙统治中国澳门达四百年之久,中国政府于1999年对澳门恢复行使主权。Portugal ruled China's Macao region for about 400 years.

澳门旅游塔乃世界高塔联盟之会员。Macao Tower is the member of the world league of high tower.

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而且都是外国籍和港澳地区的孩子。And are of foreign nationality and Hong Kong and Macao child.

陈会长介绍,澳门也是一个购物的好地方。According to Chen, Macao is also a perfect place for shopping.

比如拉斯维加斯和澳门就是著名的堵城。For example, Las Vegas and Macao are very famous gmalbing cities.

交通噪声是澳门半岛最主要的环境噪声源。Traffic noise is the main source of environmental noise in Macao.

我们的用户遍及全国及港澳地区。U. S. users all over the country and Hong Kong and Macao regions.

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为伟大祖国的繁荣富强和澳门的美好明天to the prosperity of our Motherland and the bright future of Macao.

现任澳门统计暨普查司司长。Served as Director of the statistics and census of Macao Government.

我这里说的都是进行个人港澳游的流程,即用F签证的。I said here are personal swim process, Hong Kong and Macao PNP F visa.