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他因伤寒而病倒。He took down with typhoid fever.

我的父亲刚从伤寒病中复原。My father was just recovering from typhoid.

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俗气的疾病如同伤寒。The disease of worldliness is like typhoid.

1828年,玛丽患上了伤寒症。In 1828, Mary became sick with typhoid fever.

环境卫生搞不好,伤寒就会乘虚而入。Typhoid fever sneaks in when sanitation fails.

还出现了肝炎、伤寒和黄热病病例。There were also cases of hepatitis, typhoid and yellow fever.

伤寒突然发作,使他年纪轻轻就被夺去了生命。A sudden attack of typhoid cut him off in the prime of his life.

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伤寒玛丽当时也恁地说,显然她朋友都挂了。That's what Typhoid Mary said, and clearly, her friends buckled.

准备出国者均需注射伤寒预防针。Everyone who is going abroad will need to be immunised against typhoid.

当杰克逊两岁时,他6岁的姐姐因为伤寒症而离开了人世。When Jackson was two years old, his six-year-old sister died of typhoid fever.

他会对你完全地负责任,那么你会把伤寒病消除。He will take entire responsibility for you. Then you will get rid of the typhoid.

伤寒是由伤寒杆菌引起的经消化道传播的急性传染病。Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi, as the spread of acute gastrointestinal disease.

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我告诉他们,屋里有病人,是伤寒病,动一动就会死的。I told them there was sickness in the house, the typhoid , and it was death to move them.

世界卫生组织已收到关于金沙萨发生伤寒严重持续暴发的报告。WHO has received reports of a significant, ongoing outbreak of typhoid fever in Kinshasa.

目的了解金平县老勐苗族乡伤寒爆发情况。Objective To know the typhoid outbreak in Laomeng Miao People in Jinping County in Yunnan.

目前伤寒疫苗还不被推荐用于大面积预防伤寒病。Current typhoid vaccines are not recommended for mass campaigns to prevent typhoid disease.

一些自私自利的中国政客,是自己同胞祸害的根源。Some selfish Chinese politicians are considered to be "typhoid Marys " to their own people.

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威尔伯于1912年死于伤寒,年仅45岁,可奥维尔寿命较长。Wilbur Wright died in 1912 of typhoid fever when he was only 45, but Orville lived a long life.

报道了30例J1噬菌体型伤寒的药敏试验结果。The bacteria medicine sensitive test in 30 cases of J1 bacteriophage typhoid fever was reported.

这意味着它可以通过免疫接种加以防控——而且伤寒有可能被根除。This means it can be targeted through vaccination — and typhoid could potentially be eradicated.