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这场战役肯定要失败的。This battle must be kaput.

欧元区和欧元都失败了。The Eurozone and euro are kaput.

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汽车坏了我们只好步行。The car's kaput we'll have to walk.

这就意味着这件东西会在91天内故障。It means that the thing would have gone "kaput" in 91 days.

残破的运盐用木质敞车群亦在保存之列。Kaput wooden salt carriers have also been preserved in the depot.

好的权变设计要对一切东西负责,包括服务器失效在内。Great contingency design accounts for everything, including servers going kaput.

我得回家准备学期论文了,但是我的电脑全坏了。Well, I got home and started to work on my term paper, but my computer went kaput !

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我的手机坏了,跟大家都失去联系了,感觉生活从此毁了。My cell phone was kaput, I was out of touch with everyone, it felt like my lift was kaput.

所有中间阶段都降低了效率,而且要是哪个部件坏了,整台设备就会出故障。The intermediate stages reduce efficiency, and if one component breaks, the whole device goes kaput.

你这样做是为了省钱或者是你要打长途电话而你的长途电话公司此时正好故障不能使用。You do this to save money or to make a long distance call if your long distance phone company is kaput.

像这种气象,暗示说我们脑子坏失,就像阿谁吃辣椒的人一样,明显已经那么疾苦了,照样不肯遏制,只由于不想白白华侈已经付出的钱。If so, we're kaput in the brain. Just like the man who ate the chilies and suffered so much but couldn't stop because he didn't want to waste the money he'd paid.

假如你想使用某个远端计算机上的服务,但是你却不能得到这一服务,你很清楚你在计算机上没有做过任何的改变,那么一定是网络或是远端计算机出了故障。Suppose that you try to use a service on some remote computer and you can't get to it you know that you didn't change anything on your computer so the network or the remote computer must be kaput.

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有电池为居中的引擎提供能量,一对小单环引擎在电池没电时,启动2.5千瓦的发电机续能。Batteries provide juice to the hub-mounted motors, and a pair of tiny single-cylinder engines step in to drive two 2.5-kilowatt generators that keep electricity flowing when the batteries go kaput.

股价暴跌、华尔街公司垮掉以及各央行向全球经济“洒钱”――在大众的想象中,这些都没有储户蜂拥提款的情景可怕。Tanking share prices, kaput Wall Street firms, central bankers hosing the global economy with money all pale in the popular imagination beside the sight of hoards of depositors withdrawing their cash.