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他居然把捉蝴蝶的田园消遣变成了一种危险的游戏。He managed to transform the bucolic of butterflies into a dangerous sport.

虽然他穿的衣服料子很好,但缝制费是便宜的,式样是土里土气的。Best though it was, his suIt'smacked of cheap tailoring and bucolic unfashionableness.

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这个田园农场为西雅图的农贸市场提供有机蔬菜。This bucolic smallholding provides organic vegetables to the farmers' markets of Seattle.

1736年法国的哈普西科德,总是装饰有手绘美丽的田园风光。Harpsichord France, 1736 , These are almost always hand painted with beautiful bucolic scenes!

索恩镇的田园快乐要感谢康宝浓汤的企业赞助,但光靠这种努力是不够的。Thorntown’s bucolic bliss was thanks to a corporate sponsor, Campbell Soup. But such efforts are not enough.

为了保持物种数量,更多的英国野生动物可能会在某些“乡村疗养院”中被照顾起来。More British wildlife is likely to be nursed in some bucolic sanatorium in the hope of populating the future.

然而,即使在这样的田园风光设置,示威,示威者最终的胜利证明了铆接。Yet even in such a bucolic setting, the demonstrations and ultimate victory of the protesters proved riveting.

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欧洲和美国领导人这次会晤在华盛顿郊外的渡假胜地戴维营举行。The meeting between the European and American leaders is taking place at Camp David, a bucolic retreat outside Washington.

这里一派田园风光,如此祥和美丽,难以相信曾经是一次世界大战沟壕纵横的战场。It's so bucolic and peaceful it's hard to believe that these were once the trench-scarred killing fields of the First World War.

荷兰南方史特克塞尔市郊绿草如茵的平坦草原,牛猪徜徉其间,宛如一幅牧野风情画。STERKSEL, the Netherlands – The cows and pigs dotting these flat green plains in the southern Netherlands create a bucolic landscape.

普德尼克在新泽西的农场,堪与英国画家康斯塔布尔的任何一幅田园风景画媲美——如果面积没他画的大,那种田园宁静感也一定不比它逊。Indeed, the Pudnicks’ farm in New Jerseyrivals any pastoral tableau by Constable, if not in acreage thencertainly in bucolic tranquillity.

菲利浦国王所建的堡垒就坐落在塞纳-马恩省河的右岸,俯瞰着——在当时——秀丽的田园景色。The fortress built by King Philip Augustus was situated on the right bank of the Seine, overlooking —— at that time —— splendid bucolic scenery.

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少数富有的乡绅还可以逃避现实去过田园生活——但总的说来,迁移的潮流是向相反的方向流动。A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life – but in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way.

画中的段祺瑞身穿抢眼而庄严的军服,与一众军事领袖并排而坐,列席在白露柳树的田园背景之前。Duan is seated beside other military leaders and cabinet members in extravagant formal attire and before a somewhat bucolic backdrop of weeping willow trees.

在第二幕中,为了使绑架来的女孩儿相信自己被留在了一家医院里,Myra以一段田园式咏叹调描绘了夏日宁静温和的天气以及其他美好的画面。In Act II, with the kidnapped girl made to believe she is being kept in a hospital, Myra sings a bucolic aria about calm summer weather and other homey images.

这就意味着在田园牧歌般的自由放牧应当更少,更多的动物,特别是鸡,采用集中饲养或者高密度圈养。That means fewer free-range cattle and sheep grazing in bucolic pastures and more animals, especially chickens, packed into feedlots or high-density enclosures.

她在国家电视台演出时,背景视频播放着动车,从中国新建航母上起飞的喷气飞机和乡间风景。She has performed it on state television against video backdrops of bullet trains, jets taking off from China's newly launched aircraft-carrier and bucolic scenery.

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再看到宾夕法尼亚州绿谷的田园风光、富饶的农场以及绵延的山脉,你一定会理解为什么该州在美国拥有第五多的人口了。Add this to the bucolic scenery of Pennsylvania's green valleys, rich farmland, and mountain ranges, and it's no wonder that it's the fifth most populated state in the nation.

威廉步行回来后,杰克也去幼儿园了,我们就开车去墓地看看。这是一个小山脚下充满田园风情的地方。威廉的头上围着一条爱迪达斯的束带,用以遮盖手术留下的疤痕。When Willem was back on his feet, with a Nike headband on his head covering his scar, and Jake was at preschool, we drove out of the city to the bucolic cemetery on a hillside.

但是那个1500人的乡村小镇只有一个部分时间开放的警察部门,当Israel找到警局时警局已经关门,于是他在小摩托车上向东前进了7英里来到Southwick。But the bucolic town of 1, 500 has only a part-time police department, and when Mr. Israel found the station there closed, he headed seven miles east to Southwick on his scooter.