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北风又吹了起来。North wind blew up.

哪条路是往北的?。Which way is north?

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住址是北大街16号。It's 16 North Street.

沿着这条路往北走。Go north on this road.

在福州市的北部。In the north of Fuzhou.

去北门了,北门!North gate, north gate!

箭头指向北边。The arrow points north.

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这条河向北流。The river trends north.

这窗子朝北开。The window faces north.

北风怒号。A north wind is howling.

我来自北白象。I'm from North Baixiang.

西壁龛外北侧文殊变。North side of west wall.

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在往北方的途中。On his way to the north.

厨房面朝北。The kitchen faces north.

他住在伦敦北街。He lives in North Parade.

我们的路线是向正北。Our course was due north.

列车在向北开。The train is going north.

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卡车向北行驶。The truck is going north.

北风呼呼地吹。A north wind is whistling.

因为我可以打雪杖。Because i can go up north.