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对接的膝部!Docking of knees!

创建一个对接极小。Create a docking minimizer.

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他正在剪短马的尾巴。He is docking his horse's tail.

我们现在与“方舟天使”号停靠在一起。We are now docking with the Ark Angel.

它只是支持停靠到某个屏幕区域。It only enables docking to a screen's region.

中国的军舰将在不远的将来访问美海军,洛克利尔说。Chinese ships will be docking for visits at U. S.

船长下令收帆以靠港。The captain ordered to reef the sails for docking.

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显示了一个极小的图像对接使用。Shows the usage of a docking minimizer with images.

泊岸兩个小时后开始下船。Disembarkation usually begins two hours after docking.

伦敦泰晤士河旁边的一处租赁自行车停放处A cycle hire docking station beside the Thames in London.

交会和对接还处在试验期。Rendezvous and docking is what is being experimented with.

埃德蒙向莫雷尔告退,以便将船停好。Edmond excused himself in order to finish docking the ship.

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我们的游船停靠在那里,有另外一个旅游团正准备下船。We were docking there so that another group could disembark.

交会对接任务,轨控易度非常除夜。Rendezvous and docking mission, orbit control very difficult.

宝贵的时间只浪费在船只入坞和开始装船的时间。Valuable time is lost in docking and in starting the loading.

神舟八号将在完成两次对接任务后返回地球。The spacecraft will return to Earth after two docking operations.

但是,下一次神舟对接任务中,这个情况会发生变化。But that could change on one of the next Shenzhou docking missions.

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轨道站对接的结束提供电源充电电梯。An end of track docking station provides the power to charge the lift.

另无折边锥形封头也有直边对接部分。Another without ruffled taper sealing head has straight edge docking part.

这次发射为中国首次空间交会对接铺平了道路。The launch paves the way for China's first rendezvous and docking mission.