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这不是替代,你并没有进行替换,它是遵循原义的。That's not vicarious. You're not substituting. It's literal.

有时候你会听到人们把它叫作替代惩罚。You'll sometimes see people refer to this as vicarious punishment.

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我认为它不应该是替代惩罚,我叫它原义惩罚。I don't think it's vicarious punishment. I call it literal punishment.

对于寻求高度刺激的人来说,只要间接体验足够强烈,他们就能获得快感。High-sensation-seekers can enjoy any vicarious experience if it's strongenough.

我认为窥视欲有更为广泛的背景,而不仅仅是性的满足。I think of voyeurism in a much broader context than vicarious sexual satisfaction.

她鄙视自然赋予女性的生活,因为她想过她自己的生活。She disdains the vicarious life deemed natural to women because she wants to live a life of her own.

此二者的主要区别在于对法人的责任是否由法人转承以作明确。The two main difference lies in whether the liability of legal person legal person to make clear by vicarious.

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这个仪式也预表耶稣为祂百姓的罪污代受流血的刑罚。This ritual prefigured the vicarious execution of Jesus for the blood-guiltiness and defilement of His people.

广告代理制将继续发挥作用,广告代理的实行将促使广告公司专业化发展。Hopefully- the practice of the vicarious system will promote the development of expertise of advertising company.

雇主责任制度渊远流长,当今大多数国家都确立了这一法律制度。Employers' vicarious liability system, which has a long history, has already found its deep root in many countries.

感觉好象是易太太和邝裕民一起推动易先生和王佳芝在一起。In what feels like two cases of vicarious pleasure, both Mrs. Yee and Kuang push Mr. Yee and Wang together, and it works.

代理的范围为株式会社日立产机系统及其关联公司制造的立体车库用日立牌齿轮电机的销售。Vicarious area is to sell Hitachi Grear Motor for Parking System of Industrial Equipment Systems Group and relationship corporation.

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首先澄清承运人的债务履行辅助人责任不同于转承责任。This article makes it clear at first that the carriers liability for its performing assistant is different from its vicarious liability.

我不由自主地在想,这种“替代性感受”表明“七年之痒”这个说法还有待斟酌。I couldn’t help thinking that all this vicarious living suggests that the earlier definition of the seven-year itch might be more accurate.

PWV不仅是动脉粥样硬化负荷的替代标记、心血管疾病的独立危险因素,而且可用于判断干预的疗效。PWV is known as a vicarious mark of arteriosclerotic burden and an independent risk factor. Moreover, used for decision the therapeutic effect.

因此,当泰戈尔。伍德从沙坑上一个难度较大的点上把球铲起打进洞里的时候,我一点儿也不激动,也没觉得有什么成就感。So, when Tiger Woods puts his chip shot into the hole from a difficult spot in a sand trap I get no vicarious thrill or sense of accomplishment.

然而,开发商是将装修作为房屋的一部分一同出售的,即使难免有点儿代人受过,也必须承担装修的责任。However, housing developers as part of the renovation is to be sold, even if it somewhat vicarious , must assume the responsibility of decoration.

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伊斯兰教没有代赎的教义,因为穆斯林相信耶稣和所有上帝的使者都教给人类每个人的道德责任。There is no doctrine of vicarious atonement in Islam, as Muslims believe Jesus and all of God's messengers taught individual moral responsibility.

商业银行代理保险业务,其一级分行应当取得保险兼业代理资格。If a commercial bank engages in the vicarious insurance business, its first-level bank shall obtain the qualification for concurrent insurance agents.

替代责任是侵权责任形态理论中的重要内容,它是指基于特定关系,一方对另一方的侵权行为所承担的法律责任。The vicarious liability means that the person is liable to the reparation for injury caused by the tortfeasor holding the special relationship to him.