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一只愚蠢的袋熊。A stupid wombat.

它叫做「袋熊」。It is called a wombat.

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“什么东西?”袋熊叫道。"What was that" yelled Wombat.

没用教养的孩子。“袋熊嘟囔着。"Kids! No respect" grumbled Wombat.

毛鼻袋熊想在地面上扭动前进。Wombat wanted to wiggle along the ground.

当老袋熊在休息时,袋鼠妈妈四处张望着。While Wombat rested Mother Kangaroo kept looking around.

袋熊、袋鼠都是澳大利亚的有袋类动物。The wombat and kangaroo are both marsupials in Australia.

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树袋熊和毛鼻袋熊是澳洲特有的动物品种。The koala and the wombat are species endemic to Australia.

她很担心小袋鼠,但又不能抛下老袋熊不管。She was worried about her Joey but wouldn't leave poor old Wombat.

如果你计算箭头数量,你会发现袋熊需要移动9个方格。If you count the arrows, you'll find the wombat has to move 9 squares.

北毛鼻袋熊是夜行性动物,人类很少能看到它们。Nocturnal creatures, the northern hairy-nosed wombat is rarely seen by humans.

原来这只小家伙因为缺少拥抱患上了抑郁症。The primadonna wombat was suffering from depression brought on by a lack of cuddles.

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“好吧。就让我独自站在这,什么也看不见。”老袋熊大叫道。"That's right. Just leave me standing here all alone not able to see" yelled Wombat.

袋熊被绊倒,掉进一个坑里。“快给我停下,你跑得太快了,我要休息一下。”他抱怨道。Wombat stumbled into a hole "Stop, your going to fast. I need to rest" he complained.

袋熊河酒厂是一家独立的私人公司以生产优质葡萄酒作为一门艺术。Wombat Creek Winery is an independent privately owned company producing fine wine as an art.

你在很担心自己孩子的情况下,还是对一只坏脾气的,爱发牢骚的老袋熊这么好。Even when you were worried about your Joey you were still kind to a grumpy complaining old wombat.

袋熊将粪便堆积在木头,石块,甚至树枝上表明自己的领地。The Wombat deposits square poos on logs, rocks and even upright sticks that it uses tomark its territory.

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袋鼠妈妈继续背着老袋熊往有水的地方去,一路上,老袋熊不停地发牢骚。They headed towards the waterhole with Wombat holding onto Mother Kangaroo's tail and grumbling all the way.

如果一个人试图想像这东西是什么的模样,你要解决的是一个巨大的袋熊认为类固醇。If one tried to visualise what this thing looked like, you'd have to sort of think of a gigantic wombat on steroids.

年幼的袋熊模样可爱,就像这张照片里的袋熊,不过牠们长大时,体重可达三十五公斤。袋熊是非常强壮的动物,会抓伤、啃咬想猎食牠们的动物。Wombats look cute when they are young, like the wombat in this picture, but when they get big, they can weigh up to 35kg.