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大西洋月刊的撰稿人大卫·费得曼写道Atlantic contributor David Freedman writes

弗里德曼表示,但即便如此,苹果也需要大约两年时间研制芯片。But even so, it would take about two years for Apple to come up with a chip, said Freedman.

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弗里德曼是亨利的非政府国家中心主任法和经济正义。Henry Freedman is director of the non-governmental National Center for Law and Economic Justice.

中国的自由民却是在显族难产的过程中,逐渐取得历史地位。China's freedman was remarkable family in the process of giving birth, and gradually achieve the historical status. " Mr."

如果你与他人同行,一条不错的建议是订两张同排的机票,一张靠窗口,一张靠过道。If you are traveling with someone else, a good tip is to book one window and one aisle seat in the same row, Freedman says.

但是虽然被释放了,但他们仍然是原主人家户中的一员,仍是主人的被庇护人及自由人。But even though they became freed, they were still considered a member of this guy's household, as his client and his freedman.

从金字塔那里。叫它血税。为每个鹰身女妖之子杀掉的人,我都会从每个金字塔得到一百块金子。From the pyramids. Call it a blood tax. I will have a hundred pieces of gold from every pyramid for each freedman that the Harpy's Sons have slain.

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Freedman说数据库出版商已经解决了这个问题,Clancy回应那些出版商并没有一个以顾客为导向的模式。While Freedman said that issue was resolved with database publishers, Clancy responded that those publishers don’t have a model aimed at consumers.

相对于美国对伊用武后应采取何种策略,劳伦斯•弗里德曼爵士对美国当初如何搅入泥潭更感兴趣。Sir Lawrence Freedman is less interested in how America should proceed after Iraq and more in working out how it tied itself in such knots in the first place.

弗雷德曼先生个人熟悉伯纳德巴鲁克、萨缪尔安特默、伍德罗威尔逊、弗兰克林罗斯福、约瑟夫肯尼迪、约翰F。肯尼迪以及其他许多我们这个时代的推动者和震动者。Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.

但如果你是自由人-,有一点我得解释一下,罗马法律规定,如果奴隶被释放了,如果是正常方法被释放的,他就会成为罗马公民,前提是他的主人是罗马公民。But if you're a freedman you're-- the other thing I should tell you is that in Roman law if you're manumitted as a slave, you're made free, if you're manumitted in the normal way they did it, that makes you a Roman citizen, if your owner was a Roman citizen.