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无月之夜最好。A moonless night is best.

这是一个黑暗无月的夜雾。It's a and moonless night.

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这是个寒冷,无月光的夜晚。It was a cold, moonless night.

这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。It's a dark and moonless night.

那是一个黑暗的,无月光的夜晚。That was a dark, moonless night.

但是它最好就是在无月之夜来吃。Best eaten at night under a moonless sky.

窗外依旧黑,不见五指,没有月光。The window is still black, dark, moonless.

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贝拉,遇到你之前,我的生活就好似月黑风高的夜晚,漆黑一片。Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night.

窗外依旧黑,风且凉,不见五指,没有月光。The window is still black, wind and cold, dark, moonless.

事故发生在一个漆黑的,没有月亮,也没有星星的夜晚。The accident happened on a pitch-dark night, moonless and starless.

试着在之后的一两个星期没有月亮的晚上找找昴宿星。Try looking at the Pleiades in a moonless sky in a week week or two.

没有月亮的天空,沐浴在大灯的光芒下。The now moonless sky was drenched with bursts of light from big lamps.

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在无月的夜晚,四围天际,海水黑得如同学士的墨水。On moonless nights the water was as black as maester's ink, from horizon to horizon.

所以在这个星期,抓住没有月亮的夜晚,去凝望星空。So take advantage of the moonless skies in the evenings this week, and go stargazing.

如果你发现自己已经远离城市,花一个小时时间来看看干净的,没有月光的夜晚。If you find yourself away from a city, spend an hour looking up on any clear, moonless night.

这是个无月之夜,飘动的云暗淡了稀疏的微弱星光。It was a moonless night, and the faint glow of a few stars faded in between the moving clouds.

在一个暗淡无月的夜晚,让木星成为你的向导引领你去往我们称为“摩羯海羊”的天之箭头。On a dark, moonless night, let Jupiter be your guide to this celestial arrowhead that we call !

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在一个没有月光、漆黑的十一月晚上,让巨大的天马座指引我们找到双鱼座形成的圆。On a dark, moonless November night, let the Great Square of Pegasus guide you to the Circlet of Pisces.

在没有月亮的夜晚,摩羯座就像是一个箭头指向黑暗的天空。On a moonless night, Capricornus' loop of stars looks like an arrowhead etched onto the blackboard of night!

为了能够在黑夜的掩护下进行逃离,囚犯们等待了大约一周才迎来了一个无月之夜。The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness.