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为什么鼻炎的人老打哈欠?Why the person old gape of rhinitis?

为什么打哈欠和咳嗽会相互传染啊?Why can be gape and cough infected each other?

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我们因羡慕而目瞪口呆的看着那些瑜伽练习者能将腿缠绕上去,触及他们自己的耳朵。We gape enviously at yogis wrapping their legs around their ears.

你大可不必坐在看台上,目瞪口呆地盯着别人的战绩。You don't just have to sit in the stands and gape at the exploits of others.

请张开嘴有点超出你会为一个正常的吻,但它不张嘴。Open your mouth a little wider than you would for a normal kiss but don't gape it.

我十分感激那些为聚会取得圆满成功而不辞辛劳的人们。I am indebted to all the people who worked so gape to make the party a great success.

既能去唇上死皮,又能让嘴唇强韧,不怕打哈欠了。Can die already skin, can let labial strong pliable but strong again, not be afraid of gape.

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长桌边的人都放下了被杯子勺子转而对这番恐怖景象目瞪口呆。All along the benches men put down their cups and spoons to turn and gape at the grisly spectacle.

我们大多数能弹一点吉他的人都只能对拉戈雅和普蕾斯蒂质朴干净的技巧瞠目结舌了。Most of us who play a bit can only gape and marvel at the pristine technique of Lagoya and Presti.

在较高等的鱼,上颌骨不包括口裂,而且前上颌骨有齿。On the higher fishes the maxillary is excluded from the gape , and the premaxillary bears the teeth.

严重者可出现持续性疼痛,甚至咀嚼、咬物、打哈欠、讲话时疼痛。Serious person can appear durative ache, the masticatory even, ache when biting content, gape , speech.

诺瑞克的手挥剑直下,快到他和他的第一个敌人还没来得及张一下嘴。Norrec's hand came down with the blade, moving so swiftly that he and his first adversary could only gape.

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“哎呀呀,我的风衣啊。”秦朝连连叹气,却不知道安晴右三已经是目瞪口呆。"Oh ah, my windbreaker. "The Qin Dynasty again sighs, merely doesn't know Anne is fine right three is yet a gape.

最近我的左耳朵很痛,我打哈欠的时候都会隐隐作痛,我想问问这是什么症状啊?My left ear is very painful recently, my gape when the metropolis is faint pain, do I want to ask what symptom this is?

我原来是目瞪口呆的,现在我不知被什么力量所驱使,越过草地向他走去,把他拥在怀中。I am a gape of, now I don't know drive what strength order about, cross the lawn walk toward him to, hug him in the bosom.

安排妥后,打了个哈欠,困意顿起,我也没多想,便到老四的床上睡了。After arrangement is secure, dozen gape , trap an idea since, I also much didn't think, then arrive old four of bed top sleep.

他们开始明白,富士康是一个产值在数十亿美元的全球化制造巨头,他们已经被国际社会密切关注了。Foxconn was now a billion-dollar avatar of globalization, and they were feeling the rubbernecked gape of international scrutiny.

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借助于“打哈欠”和“u”母音训练喉头,不断地开发喉头的歌唱潜能。The paper discussed the ways of training larynx with gape and sound vowel U, it will help to develop the singing potential of larynx.

在这一点上,我们可以仔细观察一下可爱的小猫小狗们,学习它们睡醒后全身舒展地伸懒腰、打哈欠。On this, we can observe lovely kitten doggie carefully people, after they wake up, study extends ground stretch oneself, gape all over.

他们指出,真正深刻而冗长的哈欠往往伴随着挺胸和把手放在脑后。They point out that a really deep and lengthy gape is often accompanied by throwing out the chest and putting one's hands behind one's head.