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斜纹织纹帆布鞋面。Uppers of twill or textured canvas.

将来你会懂得爱这块土地的。Twill come to you, this love of land.

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双按钮门襟斜纹录音。Two-button placket with twill taping.

只因已在爱与喜乐之谷。Twill be in the valley of love and delight.

纯棉巧克力色斜纹内层。Solid cotton LP chocolate-color twill lining.

这个,和真正的学士的黑布一样持久的斜纹布。Twill last as long as proper maester's black.

斜纹面料织法有明显的斜度,稍有光泽。Twill fabrics texture has apparent rake, a bit luster.

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斜纹真丝混纺水嫩柔软坚固的结构。Silk twill blends sturdy construction with supple softness.

该产品有条纹、格子和平纹款式。The styles of the products include stripe, twill and tabby.

这会振作我心,帮助我脚爬上山峰。Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track.

华达呢结实紧密的棉毛织品或人造丝斜纹布。A sturdy, tightly woven fabric of cotton, wool, or rayon twill.

粗斜纹棉布、牛仔、软绸等是以斜织制成的布料。Denim, Jean, Foulard and etc are fabrics made from twill weave.

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卡其是一种颜色,但是现在等义于一种军事斜纹裤。Khaki is a color, but is now synonymous with a military twill pant.

为了防止缝线伸长,用斜纹布贴带加以固定。To prevent a seam from stretching, sue a twill tape to support the seam.

春雨,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着。Spring, like hairs, like a flower pin, like filaments densely twill weave.

斜纹布的特色是有对角的斜织纹。Twill weaves are characterized by a diagonal pattern formed by the weaving.

他把明信片和信放在斜纹布面床单上,靠近她膝头弯曲的地方。He laid her card and letter on the twill bedspread near the curve of her knees.

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这个系列的所有吊环,都必须用同色系的斜纹布制作。The hanging loop for this generation should also be made of the same twill tape.

并进一步介绍设计复杂斜纹变化组织的基本方法。The fundamental methods for designing complex twill fancy weaves are also introduced.

布料有丝绒布、天鹅绒布、环保遮光布、棉织布、全棉斜纹布以供选择。Also, velvet fabric, velvet cloth, green shade cloth, cotton cloth or cotton twill fabrics.