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赫兹是全职互联网有一手。Farid Aziz is a full-time Internet Marketer.

如何成为“一流的”电子邮件营销者?How you can become a "best-in-class" email marketer

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但是,每一个好的营销人员都知道,印象决定一切。But, as every good marketer knows, perceptions matter.

这里就需要体现营销者比聪明的广告文案高明之处了。This is where the smart copywriter becomes a marketer.

赛思是一位杰出的市场营销人员,他杰出得不能再杰出了。Seth is a brilliant marketer. Doesn't get more brilliant.

作为营销人员,我知道这都与他们的品牌营销有关。As a marketer I know it’s mostly for their branding effort.

你需要“从中走出去”并做你自己最好的销售人。You need to “get-out-there” and become your own best marketer.

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每个市场营销人员都需要想出一个恰当的信息和平台。Each marketer needs to think of a message and a platform appropriate to its niche.

海德是世界领先的高级运动用品制造商和经销商。HEAD is a leading global manufacturer and marketer of premium branded sports equipment.

促销指市场人员可以再市场上运用的各种传播手段。Promotion represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the marketplace.

其目前是中国顶级运动营养品生产商和营销商。Beijing Competitor is currently the top sports nutrition manufacturer and marketer in China.

它可以来自某个你所钦佩的营销人员或者完全与营销无关的人。It could be from another marketer that you admire or someone completely outside of marketing.

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格罗特是车灯安全系统制造行业中的开创者。Grote Industries is a leading manufacturer and marketer of vehicle lighting and safety systems.

艾斯一直是风能在伊利诺伊州,宾夕法尼亚州和西弗吉尼亚州批发销售商。Exelon has been a wholesale marketer of wind energy in Illinois, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

每一个风投,网络出版者,和数字工作者都对这三个趋势了若指掌。Every venture capitalist, Web publisher, and digital marketer is hyper-aware of these three trends.

而如果要找出如何能做到这一点的方法,我们只需看看前面提到的那位内裤男就知道了。And to find out how, we need look no further than the aforementioned Internet marketer in his undies.

那种需求肯定早就有了,只是看不出来,因为没有营销人员想到要抓住那种需求。The demand must always have been there, but it was invisible because no marketer thought to offer it.

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尽管广告有限,它通常能帮助企业营销人员成功地建立销售拜访。While that advertising is limited, it often helps the business marketer set up successful sales calls.

作为互联网有一手,是十分重要知道你做广告宣传。As an Internet marketer , it is vitally important to know how well your advertising campaigns are doing.

换句话说,营销人员找到了最适合的目标群体,这促使他们付诸行动。In other words, the marketer has found the most-qualified group of prospects and motivated them to action.