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斯佩尔为纽伦堡法庭概括地说明了关于实行“焦土”政策的各种命令。Speer tried to summarize for the Nuremberg court the various "scorched earth" orders.

二战期间,沃尔斯特写了几本关于建筑学的书,还为施佩尔写了一本传记。Wolters wrote several architectural books during the war, as well as a biography of Speer.

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我从未见过在阿波罗神庙前杀死泰克顿的那个人的那种力道,人类不可能拥有的。The man who killed Tecton outside Apollo's temple, I've never seen a speer thrown like that. An impossible thrown.

自从斯佩尔发现这一基金的存在后,他常常对这些资金的用途做出详细的指示。Once Speer became aware of the existence of the fund, he would often send detailed instructions about what to do with the money.

然而,它真正的前身是柏林的Tempelhof机场,这座由阿尔波特•斯佩尔先生设计的作品也是航空建筑的里程碑,在上世纪30年代,被看作是进入新欧洲的门户。Yet its real precedent is Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the 1930s as a gateway to a new Europe.

尽管Speer建立了一个设计模型并向州市官员游说了十年,但他发现他的发明太过空洞而找不到支持者。Despite building a working model and lobbying state and city politicians for a decade, Speer discovered his invention was simply too visionary to find a backer.

建筑师艾伯特·斯皮尔认为,那时的建筑师“完全对重起炉灶的想法鬼迷心窍,不过,这种念头在纳粹彻底失败后也是可以理解的”。Architects, "were fascinated by the idea of a completely fresh start. And that's entirely understandable after the debacle of Nazism, " architect Albert Speer says.

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元首是个狂热的影迷,他一晚上有修仙两三部电影,特别喜欢音乐剧。Hitler was a great movie fan, often watching two or three per night. He was especially fond of musicals, "with lots of leggy show girls", according to Albert Speer.

斯皮尔的记录中提到,尽管任何在公众面前表现得卿卿我我都是严厉禁止的,可一到晚上,那对情侣便会“双双消失在楼上的房间里”。Speer recorded how, although any public displays of affection were rigorously avoided, at the end of the evening the couple would “disappear together into the upstairs bedroom.”

这位目击者是一个妇女,她在柏林那场戏中最后一幕忽然登场的经过,下文就要述及。Albert Speer and a remarkable lady witness whose dramatic appearance in the last act of the drama in Berlin will shortly be noted have described Hitler's reaction to Goering's telegram.

由于参加会议的不只是将领们,而且一定还有戈林、希姆莱和戈培尔等人,他希望将第三帝国的全部纳粹领导人同最高统帅部一起一扫光。Since not only the generals but invariably Goering, Himmler and Goebbels now attended these, Speer hoped to wipe out the entire Nazi leadership of the Third Reich as well as the High Command.