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早上好,我是菲莉丝·希莫。Good morning. Phyllis Seymour speaking.

对西摩先生来说这真是一次痛苦的休假。It was really a painful vacation for Mr. Seymour.

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牛津大学,临床药学系,教授。Len Seymour Clinical Pharmacology, Oxford, Professor.

在对西莫和巴蒂住的繁简保佑崇敬之情。He's venerating the room that Seymour and Buddy occupied.

飞溅的乐趣在与夏慕和西摩的海狮!Splash in on the fun with Shamu and Seymour the sea lion!

本季将讲述亨利八世的第三任和第四任妻子—简•西摩和克里维斯的安妮。This season covers Henry's marriages to Jane Seymour and Anne of Cleves.

一些格拉斯的传奇故事,当然了,也等同于事实。Searching for Seymour. Some of the Glass legend, of course, parallels fact.

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在离开之前,西摩先生关掉了真空吸尘器和水阀。Before leaving, Mr.Seymour turned off the vacuum cleaner and the water valve.

1970年3月,副督察西摩尔。派恩袭击了左迪艾克和17巴罗街。In March 1970, Deputy Inspector Seymour Pine raided the Zodiac and 17 Barrow Street.

后来,一名叫凯西•塞穆尔的设计师计划在一些疯狂的年轻人脚上装一只巨大的弹簧。Then designer Keahi Seymour planned to put a huge spring in the step of youth crazes.

目睹林肯被刺的最后一个幸存者----塞谬尔·西摩于1956年去世。The last surviving witness to Lincoln's assassination---- Samuel Seymour ----died in 1956.

我们会聊我的兄弟姐妹、她的兄弟姐妹、总统,还有菲利普?塞默?霍夫曼的电影。We talk about my siblings, her siblings, the president, and Philip Seymour Hoffman movies.

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西摩先生徒劳地想让他的妻子改变主意,她提出种种的借口。Mr. Seymour tried in vain to make his wife change her mind. She offered a variety of excuses.

这部纪录片,西摩用了21周的时间躲在委内瑞拉的树顶上跟踪巢穴中的角鹰。The documentary took Seymour into Venezuela’s treetops for 21 weeks to follow a nesting harpy eagle.

“村民们正在犹豫是否要转变世世代代依靠的土地的种植方式,”西摩评论到。“A community was on the verge of turning over land they’d lived on for generations, ” Seymour notes.

亨利的第三任妻子简·西摩尔生下一个男性继承人,即爱德华,但很快死于一次难产。Henry’s third wife Jane Seymour provided a male heir, Edward, but died soon after a difficult labour.

看到这些亲昵的照片,我还以为超模史蒂芬妮·西摩又找了个小情人呢。When I first saw these amorous images I thought supermodel Stephanie Seymour had taken a young lover.

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有时候,西摩先生不知道怎么打发他的空闲时间,他的休假计划很不明确。Sometimes Mr. Seymour didn't know what to do with his vacant time. His vacation plan was rather vague.

是在65页,抱歉,那封信里,巴蒂向左伊解释,他和西莫一直试图做的事情。This is 65. I'm sorry. In this letter Buddy explains to Zooey what he and Seymour have been trying to do.

在查理·考夫曼的这部深奥喜剧中,菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼饰演一位剧场导演。Synecdoche, New YorkPhilip Seymour Hoffman plays a theatre director in Charlie Kaufman's metaphysical comedy.