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它公开抨击格斗表演。It denounced the gladiatorial shows.

但历史上真实的角斗情况如何呢?But what about genuine gladiatorial events?

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卡尔就是一群蛹的结合体,非常适合角斗。Carl was a collection of pupae, perfectly suited for gladiatorial combat.

第二个主要事件是我们遭遇了传说中的角斗王。The second major event we encountered was the infamous gladiatorial boss.

吉奥诺西斯人唯一的希望是在角斗中胜出。What little hope an aspiring Geonosian has lies in escape through gladiatorial combat.

在古罗马竞技场里,罪犯、奴隶和异族人必须作为角斗士战斗到死。Criminals, slaves and others were forced to fight each other to the death in gladiatorial games.

在定期进行的竞技场比赛中她能够击败任何的凶暴战士。She could best any of the monstrous combatants in the gladiatorial games held regularly on the world.

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由于没有东西再可以猎取,罗迪亚人变得不安分了,他们开始在角斗中互相猎取对方。The Rodians grew restless with nothing to hunt, and turned to hunting each other in gladiatorial combat.

尽管电影涉及了这方面,但老虎在真实历史中的角斗领域是很不成功的。Despite the final appearance given by the movie, tigers were largely unsuccessful in the gladiatorial area.

能够容纳50,000观众的斗兽场被用来角斗和进行公共表演。Capable of seating 50, 000 spectators, the Colosseum was used for gladiatorial contests and public spectacles.

我们有位了不起的美式足球斗士迈克尔•维克最近承认支持过斗狗。Michael Vick, one of our great gladiatorial football competitors, recently admitted to sponsoring brutal dogfights.

这个头脑简单的昆虫形希基塔里人大概叫卡尔。它被一个德瓦隆骗子带进了拉塔塔克角斗赛场。Devaronian conman entered a dim-witted Shikitari insectoid with the unlikely name of Carl into the Rattataki gladiatorial games.

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兽人语的幽灵狼,这里指瓦立安分裂体在竞技场里的艺名。The term was used as a nickname for half of Varian Wrynn's split being that was forced into gladiatorial tournaments by Rehgar Earthfury.

大卫·罗德被迫进入到一个现代电玩竞技场的残暴世界,和其…它选手一起为了网上观众的娱乐决一死战。David Lord finds himself forced into the savage world of a modern gladiatorial arena, where men fight to the death for the entertainment of the online masses.

几个圆形剧场中的一个被罗马帝国用来做政治集会和野蛮的角斗士表演,但是今晚这儿有一个舞蹈比赛。This is one of the few amphitheatres that was used for both Roman political rallying and brutal gladiatorial sports – but tonight it is to host a dance competition.

有1900年历史的罗马圆形竞技场是古罗马人魂牵梦萦的斗技场,它见证了血淋淋的角斗士决斗和斗兽,并且在它洪水泛滥的地面上模拟海上战争。Memory-haunted arena of the ancients, Rome's 1,900-year-old Colosseum saw bloody gladiatorial duels, battles with wild beasts, and mock naval engagements on its flooded floor.

这对夫妇陷入了严重的财政危机,他们买下斯巴达克斯,希望他的非凡武艺能为他们在残酷的角斗赛场重拾昔日荣光。The couple has fallen on hard times financially and has bought Spartacus hoping his fighting prowess will help them regain their status in the brutal world of gladiatorial contests.

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本片将带我们重回那个充斥着荣耀与鲜血的罗马角斗士的世界,在那里,角斗士们拼上性命只为满足皇室贵族与平民百姓嗜血的癖好。Travel back in time to the glamour and bloodshed of ancient Rome"s gladiatorial world, where men fought for their lives to satisfy the whims of emperors and a bloodthirsty populace."

一个已经在北京成立了多家初创企业的美国人这样说道,赢的意愿和充足的风投资金,使得中国的互联网成为了一个“残忍决斗的环境”。The will to win and the abundance of venture capital make China's internet a “ferociously gladiatorial environment”, says Richard Robinson, an American who has founded several start-ups in Beijing.