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她的家人住在突尼斯召开。Her family lives in Tunis.

五月7至8日,突尼斯和比塞大被盟军攻占。On May 7-8, Tunis and Bizerte are captured.

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他没有解释自己为什么在突尼斯避而不答。He didn't explain why he had dodged it in Tunis.

突尼斯因其坐落于国家北方的首都突尼斯市而得名。Its name is derived from the capital Tunis located in the north-east.

阿拉亚出生于突尼斯,在突尼斯的艺术学校里学习雕刻。Alaia was born in Tunis , The fine arts of Tunisia school to study sculpture.

10月16日这些人穿越突尼斯的举动彰显了他们参政的活跃度。As they showed by marching through Tunis on October 16th, they are alive and kicking.

在突尼斯和开罗,这些非凡的场景唤起1989年柏林和布拉格的那些记忆。These extraordinary scenes in Tunis and Cairo, evoke those of Berlin and Prague in 1989.

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突尼斯,突尼斯的首都和最大城市,也是该国经济和政治中心。Tunisia's capital and largest city, Tunis is the country's economic and political center.

这趟从马赛到突尼斯的航程,经由科西嘉岛以西的航道,大约需21小时。The trip from Marseille to Tunis takes about 21 hours via a route that tracks just west of Corsica.

突尼斯的海盗威胁着船只的安全,船遇上了猛烈的风暴,咖啡树要被固定住才行。Pirates from Tunis threatened the ship, there was a violent storm and the plant had to be tied down.

然而正如突尼斯街道上做出的反应所清楚显示的,这个报价太少,太迟了。The offer was far too little, far too late, as the reaction in the streets of Tunis made immediately clear.

号角吹响,迦太基号到港了。大家都回到自己的位置打点行囊准备下船。大约早中午的时候,我们抵达突尼斯。A horn sounded. The Carthage had sighted port. Everyone rushed back inside to pack. By mid-morning, we were in Tunis.

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上周,数百人证明在突尼斯南部城市苏斯谴责伊斯兰主义的崛起。Last week, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tunis and the southern city of Sousse to denounce the rise of Islamism.

他的奖项包括奖河畔马雷在维耶特里,意大利于2002年在突尼斯奖,2002年和2004年的大和民族文化。His awards include the Grand Prize in Vietri sul Mare, Italy in 2002 and the National Culture Prize in Tunis in 2002 and 2004.

数千人占据了突尼斯首都突尼斯的一个广场,要求过渡政府下台。Thousands of people have occupied a square in the Tunisian capital Tunis to demand that the transitional government step down.

这种对人的自由的基本和欢悦的渴望与我们在从突尼斯到开罗的整个地区所听到的声音遥相呼应。This basic and joyful longing for human freedom echoed the voices that we had heard all across the region, from Tunis to Cairo.

在巴格达南部,有两名商人在突尼斯的市镇建立了一个加油站,它也是几公里之内唯一的一个加油站。South of Baghdad, 2 Iraqi businessmen built a gasoline station in the town of Tunis . It's the only station for many kilometers.

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巴格达南部,两个伊拉克商人在突尼斯镇建了个加油站,这是方圆百里内唯一的一个。South of Baghdad, two Iraqi businessmen built a gasoline station in the town of Tunis . It's the only station for many kilometers.

登出的照片,有游行死难者的,也有她自己和男性示威者一起在卡斯巴静坐抗议时情景。Besides photographing the dead and wounded, she included pictures of herself with male protesters at sit-ins in the Kasbah in Tunis.

伊斯兰国组织声称对此负责,就像三月份两名枪手在突尼斯巴尔多博物馆杀害21人时他们所做的那样。The Islamic State group claimed responsibility, just as it did when two gunmen killed 21 people at the Bardo museum in Tunis in March.