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她是一位多产作家。She was a copious writer.

沛然降雨。A copious rain began to fall.

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同花顺大量清水冲洗。Flush with copious amounts of water.

胚微小,胚乳丰富,含油。Embryo minute, endosperm copious , oily.

洋洋洒洒不知多少轮回。I do not know how many copious and fluent.

隐孢子虫病会引起大量的水样便。Cryptosporidiosis produces a copious watery diarrhea.

而丰富的蛋白质将正常细胞转化成了肿瘤样细胞。And the copious proteins transformed normal cells into cancer-like cells.

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“橘园”会用大量的灌木,鲜花以及花架等来装饰。The Orangery will be decorated with copious topiaries, flowers, trelisses etc.

例如,日本移交了其军舰在二战期间收集的丰富记录。For example, Japan turned over copious records its warships collected during World War II.

我把自行车的前轮拆下,他们帮我把车放进汽车宽敞的行李箱里。I detached the front wheel, and they helped me put the bike inside the car's copious boot.

他在沙乌撒泼顿吃过一顿丰盛的早饭,有鱼,有米饭,有煮老鸡蛋。Having partaken of a copious breakfast, with fish, and rice, and hard eggs, at Southampton.

所以我只好张开我的双手,让衣襟飘起,洋洋洒洒地向前看去。So I had to open up my hand, let the skirt from the copious and fluent, to look forward to.

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不吃那些品类丰富的包装食品,就更少地增加垃圾。Eating foods that don’t come with copious amounts of packaging saves from adding to landfill.

在天然气制冷、深冷工艺等领域具有广阔的应用前景。It can be used abroad in condition of national gas refrigeration and copious cooling process.

大量语法、用法说明,解析语法难点,辨析易混淆词汇。Other features include copious Notes which explain grammar difficulties and confusing synonyms.

一个权威的,以对两大洲的神话人物?与丰富交叉引用。An authoritative A to Z of the mythical figures of two continents, with copious cross-references.

热带气候的丰盛湿气,在丰富盛宴式植物景观中可以得到明显见证。The copious moisture of a tropical climate was apparent in the rich luxuriance of the vegetation.

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科幻小说方面,克拉克著作等身,然而他坚称,他不曾“预测”过未来,只是“推断”而已。He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted. He simply extrapolated.

科幻小说方面,克拉克著作等身,然而他坚称,他不曾“预测”过未来,只是“推断”而已。He did not predict the future in his copious science fiction, he insisted. He simply extrapolated.

这个物体,这蟹状星云的脉冲星,辐射出丰富的x射线,以及伽马射线。And this object, this pulsar in the Crab Nebula is radiating copious amounts of x-rays, of gamma rays.