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粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。The fluctuation in range is called straggling.

只见那树林中绿荫丰姿。Except the straggling green which hides the wood.

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他的样子很可怕、头秃得厉害,胡子乱蓬蓬的。He looked terrible,rather bald with a straggling beard.

几缕刚长出的胡须紧贴在脸上。The straggling fragments of a beard, newly grown, clung to his face.

集中你们的火力向掉队的那个攻击。Enemy Squadron Concentrate your attack on the one straggling aircraft.

很少掉队或突然转向或摇摆或倾斜,踌躇满志的蛞蝓蹒跚了。Seldom swerving or straggling or swaying or skewing, the smug slug shambled on.

避免写那些短而拗口和长而散落,包含不止一个主旨的句子。Avoid short, bumpy sentences and long straggling sentences with more than one maid ideas.

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这儿有一条未经修筑的弯弯曲曲的道路,路两边排列着一些矮小的农舍。The place consisted of straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.

如果有一天我们分手,我会让自己心力绞悴,因为那时的一切对于我都是虚有!If one day we parted, I will let their energy straggling sad, because then all I have are empty!

这儿有一条未经修筑的弯弯曲曲的道路,路两边排列着一些矮小的农舍。The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.

在他们等了一些时候之后,三三两两的闲人听到了这件事故渐渐都聚拢来了。A fter they had waited some time , straggling people who had heard of the accident began to come up.

亨利让两名失散的意大利中士上了车。在晚上,撤退的人马在雨中被阻达几个小时。Henry picked up two straggling Italian sergeants. During the night the retreat was halted in the rain FOR hours.

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在利用共振核反应测元素浓度的深度分布时,共振宽度和能量歧离等严重影响测量的精度。The depth resolution in resonant depth profiling is seriously affected by the resonant width, energy straggling etc.

我注意到她背部上的弯曲神奇地消失了,她散乱的头发忽然变得十分美丽,光彩照人。I noticed her back was now mysteriously rid of its deformity and her straggling hair suddenly became radiantly beautiful.

几绺卷发从头一侧的发带里掉了出来,在她红得发烧的脸颊上晃荡。Some wisps of wavy hair had loosened from the bands at the side of her head and were straggling over her hot, red cheeks.

随着直升飞机找到零星的幸存者,这场悲剧的整体规模现在才开始变得清晰。The full scale of the tragedy is only now becoming apparent as helicopters track down survivors straggling towards safety.

在我们的列车摇晃著停下来之前,我还来得及迅速瞥一眼居民的后院——看到的是妥善照料的自耕地和乱窜的鹅。I had time for a spy's glimpse into backyards – a view of cherished private plots and straggling geese – before we jolted to a halt.

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在我们的列车摇晃着停下来之前,我还来得及迅速瞥一眼居民的后院——看到的是妥善照料的自耕地和乱窜的鹅。I had time for a spy"s glimpse into backyards – a view of cherished private plots and straggling geese – before we jolted to a halt."

我了解你内心的愤怒,你的愤怒让你暂时忘却伤痛,直到你无法承受对亲人的思念。But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger straggling the grief, until the memory of loved one is just poison in your views.

该方法通过离散压下量,迭代计算得出板型良好的轧制压力所对应的变形量,对实际生产有指导作用。The deformation quantity corresponding to the rolling press getting good shape can be got by straggling press amount and iterative computation.