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我喜欢牛仔靴和高跟鞋。I love cowgirl boots and heels!

当男女牛仔结婚时,该如何称呼?What do you call it when a cowboy marries a cowgirl?

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去第一大街的牛女快餐店喝卡布其诺。Sip cappuccino at the Cowgirl Luncheonette on First Ave.

里根总统和他的女牛仔似的妻子南茜住在农场里。President Regan lived on a ranch with his cowgirl wife, Nancy.

8月21日,在沃斯堡的国家女牛仔博物馆中,她举办了一个小型的集会。On August 21st she held a small rally in the National Cowgirl Museum in Fort Worth.

我过去是个年青、活跃的共和党人。后来,一位金水酒女郎,真实地到了我的女牛仔装备中。I was an active Young Republican and later, a Goldwater girl, right down to my cowgirl outfit.

这样看起来男方好像骑在一个颠倒了的牛仔女孩身上,只是男方的重量落在女方身体的一侧。It almost looks as if he's on top in reverse cowgirl position, except his weight will be to the side of your torso.

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另外,顺便在这里买了顶墨西哥草帽。让我有时候看起来象农妇有时候象牛仔。And I bought a straw hat at the main gate, which makes sometimes look like a peasant woman, sometimes like a cowgirl.

学生的个体差异,必然导致课堂教学起始行为的相应调整与变化。The student's individual difference, cause behavioral cowgirl in start in teaching in classroom adjusted by all means and change.

我们都喜欢乡村音乐,所以我打算穿牛仔靴、戴上女士牛仔帽来搭配我的婚纱,托尼将会穿上牛仔靴搭配牛仔裤”。We both love country musicso I plan to wear a wedding dress, cowboy boots and cowgirl hat and Tony willbe in jeans and cowboy boots.

来到这里除了能够看到熙熙攘攘的游人,还有可能看到“裸体男牛仔”或“裸体女牛仔”。You'll get the rush of gawking tourists and perhaps see the barely clothed buskers, "The Naked Cowboy" or rival "The Naked Cowgirl."

最有型的鞋类款式之一便是牛仔靴了。它们款式多样、色彩丰富,让你可以轻松自如地彰显个性。One of the coolest styles in footwear are cowgirl or cowboy boots. They easily show off your personality as they come in a variety of styles and colors.

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第五部分对中俄两国地缘政治关系发展的前景和隐患进行了分析,并提出相应的对策。Counter plan towards Sino- Russian two country ground district political relate to the development's foreground with got proceed analysis, and bring up cowgirl of the fifth part.