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割草机。The lawn mower.

他推着割草机。He moved the lawn mower.

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什么是割草机起动棘爪?。What are Lawn Mower Starter Pawls?

I1050幼兽队少年割草机甲板部分。I1050 Cub "Cadet" mower parts deck.

邻居们借用我的除草机。The neighbors borrowed my lawn mower.

我以极低的价格买下这部除草机。I bough this used lawn mower dirt cheap.

这是一个割草者的独白。This is a monologue by a worker, a mower.

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那台有毛病的割草机把草坪弄坏了。The faulty lawn mower chewed the grass up.

把这个坏了的割草机拿出去。Get this broken-down lawn mower out of here!

开跑车、摆弄割草机、开滑雪缆车都不在话下。Can handle a sports car, a sit-on mower and a ski lift.

在杂草丛生的田里,一台生了锈的旧式农用割草机引人注目。An old farm mower rusting appealingly in an overgrown field.

找出割草机起动棘爪在做这个免费视频。Find out what lawn mower starter pawls do in this free video.

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那借了割草机来割花园里的草。I borrowed a mower from my neighbor to cut grass in my garden.

草坪割草机飞轮棘爪聘请启动割草机。Lawn mower pawls engage the fly wheel to start the lawn mower.

当割草机切下你的脚趾头的时候,你别跑来找我。When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me.

那台电动割草机无法启动,因此爸发脾气朝它踢了一脚。The motor mower wouldn't start so Dad lost his temper and kicked it.

史蒂芬先生,我能向你借除草机吗?我的刚坏掉。Mr. Stevens, may I borrow your lawn mower?Mine just went out of whack.

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聪明点还是用锄草机剪他这一头鬃毛吧,别用剪刀了。It's advisable to use a lawn mower instead of scissors to cut his manes.

是爱让这个孩子爬上去,就像它让割草者工作一样,记得吗?It's love that makes the boy climb, as it made the mower work, remember?

高个子男孩说,“我把草坪修整完了”,“而且把剪草机也放好了!”"I have mowed the grass, " the tall boy said, "And put the mower away! "