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刀疤走开了。Scar walks off.

创痕逐渐消失。The scar died away.

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那是个可爱嫡魉疤。That is a nasty scar.

年代久远,伤疤依旧。Ages ago, scar remains.

这个疤痕有损于他的容貌。The scar mars his face.

他下额有一块疤。He has a scar on his chin.

那歌手有疤么?Did the singer have a scar?

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在一洞穴里,刀疤正在捕食。In a cave, Scar is praying.

魔刃之痕化石场。Infectis Scar Fossil Field.

忘得了痛,好不了伤疤。Forget pain, very not a scar.

他的右臂上留有一个伤疤。His right arm carries a scar.

手臂被刮出一道道伤痕,传来一阵阵微痛。The arm was a scar that pain.

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你以前有这个伤疤吗?Did you have this scar before?

我的伤疤仍然是一碰就疼。My scar was still very tender.

激光点痔会不会留下疤?Can laser dot naevus leave scar?

这刀口不会留下疤痕。The cut will not leave any scar.

这刀口不会留下疮疤。The cut will not leave any scar.

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优玛除疤有用吗?Does actor Ma divide scar useful?

这伤疤损害了她的美貌。E. G. 2 The scar flawed her beauty.

但我还是不敢碰那伤疤。So she touched it for me. The scar.