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我在阳台上选了一张桌子坐了下来。I take a table on the terrace.

但是,你知道“逛花街”的来历吗?But you know "terrace" come from?

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它有惊人的双层梯形建筑。It has an incredible double terrace.

明晨在菊花台等候觐见。On the Chrysanthemum Terrace tomorrow morning.

该楼最初是由26所房子组成的。The terrace was originally built as 26 houses.

设有海景、园景或游泳池景观露台。Offers a terrace with sea, garden or pool views.

三楼的阳台上有一个7英尺的隐蔽墙。A third floor terrace had a seven-foot privacy wall.

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你还记得他以前常来晒台饭铺吗?Do you remember when he used to come to the Terrace?

将在平台的边缘预先种植大规模的绿色植物。Extensive green will be pre-planted on terrace edges.

一会儿我们就要去他的钓台看看。In a moment, we are going to see his fishing terrace.

以星座命名的房间佩有露天阶梯式浴盆。Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub.

你可能需要把地弄成梯田状,或是垫高。You may have to terrace your land or build raised beds.

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罗哈斯滨海大道、巴纳韦高山梯田、塔尔湖。Roxas Littoral Avenue, Banaue Rice Terrace and Taal Lake.

一串红是目前最主要的一种花坛花卉。Scarlet Sage is one of the most important terrace flower.

塑像坐落于花坛的中央。The sculpture stands in the centre of the flower terrace.

其他设施包括一个大阳台、自行车租赁和一个会议室。Facilities include a terrace and 2 bookable private saunas.

平台的每个角上有四座细长的白塔。Four thin white towers rise from the corners of the terrace.

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这个平台是这所房子设计中最完美的杰作。This terrace was the final consummation of the house's plan.

该项目有145平方米,有两层楼和一个露台。The project has 145 square meters on two floors and a terrace.

城上可以望南京的每一角。The view from the terrace town covers every corner of Nanjing.