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你认为你是一个形式主义者嘛?Do you consider yourself to be a formalist?

这其实才是俄国形式主义者们隐含的观点。That really is implicit in the Russian formalist viewpoint.

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这些东西给人一种冰凉死板的感觉。These things give a person a kind of icy and formalist sense.

柔媚的曲线打破了房间的方正和死板。The Founder that the curve of gentle and lovely broke a room and formalist.

这种对语言共性的功能主义解释不同于形式主义学派的“普遍语法”理论。Such an explanation of linguistic universals contrasts with formalist theory of UG.

既有的相关研究,形式主义占其绝对多数。The great majority of the existing studies on them have been done on a formalist basis.

垄断型金融制度的推进速度快、力度大,但其“变革”仅具形式意义。The monopoly financial system had a rapid and forceful propulsion, but its "reform" was formalist.

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但我可以不再投入心情让器官真正沦为一种死板的工具,让生命麻木。But I need not throw the mood to make an organ true reduce a kind of formalist tool again, let life coma.

这样富有想像力的能源就是无数符号象徵的起源,却被忽略为某些语焉不详的形式上的泛灵论。Such imaginative energies are at the origin of numerous symbols poorly explained as some vague formalist animism.

形语言研究被动句动词被动,词词组升制。Formalist Linguistics, English passives are generated by the mechanism of verb passivization and noun phrase raising.

一位出生在美国,却在1975年成为荷兰公民的艺术家,致力于创作极具感性的形式主义作品。Nan Hoover, an American-born artist who has been a Dutch citizen since 1975, produces formalist works that are highly sensual.

形式主义语言学研究认为被动句式产生于动词被动化,名词词组提升这一生成机制。According to Formalist Linguistics, English passives are generated by the mechanism of verb passivization and noun phrase raising.

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举个例子,他开篇在解释那种文体介于情节和故事之间时,借用了俄国结构主义的特点。For example, he begins by borrowing the Russian formalist distinction in trying to explain what fiction is between plot and story.

以前,李世民占有的少女不计其数,她们都拼命的忍耐,木偶般的脸上强露出死板的笑。Previously, li Shimin occupies some girl countless, they desperately enduring, on the face like puppet strong show formalist laugh.

人身保险利益理论是一种有害的形式主义理论,制约了人寿保险业的发展。The theory of personal insurance interests is nothing more than a harmful formalist one, which restrains the development of life insurance.

因为文过眼线,眼睛显得死板无神,唇色也与现在的季节有些脱节。Because civil line passing a key point, the eye appears formalist without the god, labial color also has with present season some be out of line.

实质性的核心主权是至高无上的,而程序性的非核心主权,即具体主权权力是合时代发展的。The substantial core sovereignty is supreme while the formalist non-core sovereignty, i. e. the concrete sovereignty power keeps pace with the times.

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苏格拉底主张善与美相统一,从而开辟了与毕达格拉斯的形式主义美学不同的功利主义美学思考路线。Socrates insisted on the unification of good and beauty, so he found a new method of thoughts which was different from Pythagoras' formalist aesthetics.

也就是说,我们知道形式主义者们对图像非常着迷,但是这不代表俄国的形式主义者们不能善用图像。In other words, of course the academicians and the Symbolists were obsessed with imagery, but that's not to say that a Russian formalist can't deal with imagery.

广义的比喻泛指语言具有诗学理据的运用,用形式主义文论的术语来说,就是具有陌生化特点的文学性。Metaphor, in its broad sense, refers to the use of language which is poetically motivated, that is, literariness featured by defamiliarization in formalist terms.