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我有一些建议。Heres some advice.

对此,北村博士有什么建议呢?Kitamura's advice?

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这就是我的意见。This is my advice.

给我一些建议。Give me some advice.

那是你的建议吗?Is that your advice?

我接受你的针砭箴规。i'll take your advice.

提供建议需谨慎。Be careful with advice.

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我有几条建议Here is my advice to you.

我们不能接受您的建议。We can't take your advice.

你会提供何许建议呢?What advice can you offer?

打查号台查问电话号码。Call advice for the number.

他的忠告是主动提出的。His advice was unasked for.

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请您多多指教。Kindly give us your advice.

我衲氵是忘了她。My advice is to forget her.

她恳请我给她一些建议。She pleads for some advice.

她自己应该注意的好建议。Good advice she should heed.

他从来不听我的话。He never regarded my advice.

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我一直都向他征求意见。I always ask him for advice.

我来给你提点建议。Let me give you some advice.

她求教于我。She turned to me for advice.