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我想要穿上滑雪服了。I wish the ski lodge served this!

他把钥匙放在了传达室。He put the keys in the porter's lodge.

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我偶而会借宿在我好朋友那。I lodge at my good friend that at times.

那人说,“好的,我今晚就在那里过夜。Well, I am going to lodge there to-night.

在我们的小屋内有三只野狗和四只杂种小狗。In our lodge were curs and four cross feists.

他们匆匆地往刚盖好的巢穴里爬。And they scrambled into their newly built lodge.

见天色已晚,大家都同意在此住下。Since it was late then, everyone agreed to lodge.

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我们驱车来到湖滨小屋度夏。We drove to our lodge on the lake for the summer.

此一如果从一个小投诉,与“农场的味道”。This one if from a small lodge with "Farm-flavor".

如果出现这种情况,你可以向律师事务所提出申诉。If so, you ought to lodge an appeal to the law firm.

我爸爸偶尔会到他的共济会分会那里去。My father would occasionally go to his Masonic lodge.

我们将把一张90天的期票交银行贴现。We shall lodge a 90-day note in the bank for discount.

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我们去乡下寄住在我叔叔家。When we go to the countryside, we lodge with my uncle.

我们每周四在麋鹿小屋的录制室里见面。We meet every Thursday in the rec room of the Elks Lodge.

我们全家度假时住在山上的临时住宿处。My family gathered at our mountain lodge for the holidays.

1872年在约塞米蒂旅舍现址的派尤特人典礼。Paiute ceremony in 1872 at current site of Yosemite Lodge.

他让学生住在家里,帮他们准备入学考试。He used to lodge and prepare students for their examinations.

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月光湾湖营地的树林中,加拿大安大略省渔业投宿。Moonlite Bay Camp Lake of the Woods, Ontario Canada Fishing Lodge.

昨晚法官和预算员在门房里打过桥牌。The judge played bridge in the lodge with the budgeter last night.

在我住校前,我从来没有想过这个问题。Before I lodge in school dormitory, I never think of this question.