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成年后,我又在下巴上留下了痕迹。I further cratered my chin as an adult.

不过也有有很多撞击坑的平原。Some of the plains are heavily cratered while others are not.

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土卫十一,在上图中,实际远远地在环形山密布的土卫五后面。Epimetheus, as pictured above, is actually well behind the heavily cratered Rhea.

大约有一英里长的冰层表面坑坑洼洼,有如麻风病人的脸,而曾经却是光滑如镜。For nearly a mile the glacier's once smooth surface is ragged and cratered like the skin of a leper.

你可能认为舰队是陨石坑,但这不会造成河流船队的积极增加。If you may think that the fleet is cratered it won’t inflict the river fleet which is actively increased.

从土卫二号北半球的这个角度来看,大型坑洞以及坑洞地带是非常罕见的。Craters and cratered terrains are rare in this view of the southern region of the moon's Saturn-facing hemisphere.

早期的月球探测器探测到一个满是山峰的、崎岖的和环形山遍布的表面,与月海截然不同。Early lunar probes revealed a surface that was mountainous, rugged, heavily cratered and virtually devoid of maria.

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起伏坑洼的山地把其中一辆自行车的避震器震坏了,车手只能减速。The undulating, cratered terrain proved too much for the suspension on one of the bikes, causing one rider to pull out.

天文学家说这个行星坑坑洼洼,并拥有一个巨大的铁核。Astronomers say the planet is heavily cratered and has a large iron core. Louis Friedman heads the Planetary Society."Mercury

月球表面遍布的环形山是由41亿年到38亿年前太空陨石剧烈撞击月球而形成的。The Moon's heavily cratered surface is the result of intense pummelling by space rocks between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago.

月球表面遍布的环形山是由41亿年到38亿年前太空陨石剧烈撞击月球而形成的。The Moon's heavily cratered surface is the result of intense pummelling by space rocks between 4.1 and 3.8 billion years ago.

这项计划对市场的预测极为悲观——实质上就是一种从萎靡的抵押贷款和金融市场赚钱的方法。The trade was a deeply pessimistic bet -- essentially a method for making money if the mortgage and financial markets cratered.

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水星、月球与小行星上坑坑洞洞的景观,令人深信初期的行星系统是个不折不扣的靶场。The cratered landscapes on Mercury, the moon and the asteroids leave little doubt that nascent planetary systems are shooting galleries.

支持非受监管自由贸易已经在民主党左派留下了弹坑,而在共和党右派,对非法移民的敌意仍然十分强烈。Support for unregulated free trade has cratered on the Democratic left. Hostility to illegal immigration is red hot on the Republican right.

民主党在1994年的国会选举中大败,她倡议的全球医保计划也遭重创。The Democrats had cratered in the 1994 congressional elections, and she had been trounced in her efforts to enact a universal health care plan.

10月9日,一艘NASA太空船LCROSS将刻意撞击月球南极的环形坑,在那儿可能存在着冻结的水。On October 9, a NASA spacecraft called LCROSS will deliberately crash into a cratered area of the moon’s south pole, where frozen water likely resides.

他称,美国的页岩气产量大增令进口需求下降,其他地区供应也得到释放.但金融危机和经济衰退期间,需求亦出现下跌.The shale gas boom in the U.S. has reduced import needs, freeing up supply elsewhere, he said. But demand cratered amid the economic crisis and recession.

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同样地,火星受撞激烈的程度,使得上层地壳像被园丁翻土一样,彻底搅动,然后其物质再随著水和风四处散播。Similarly, Mars is so heavily cratered that the upper crust has been stirred up like soil tilled by a gardener. Water and wind then scattered this material.

专注亚洲市场的基金2008年损失最为惨重,表现落后于西方同业,因该地区市场步履蹒跚,投资者因此要求赎回.Asia-focused funds suffered their worst ever year in 2008, underperforming their peers in the West, as markets cratered and investors demanded their money back.

中国与出现问题的那些国家截然不同的地方在于,其家庭、银行、中央政府和对外部门的资产负债表状况相对较好。What distinguishes China from countries that cratered are the relatively healthy balance sheets of its households, banks, central government and external sector.