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万圣节黑夜定向赛及派对!Halloween Night Orienteering and party !

在我八岁的时候,我们才发现定向越野这项运动。Finally, at the age of eight, we found orienteering.

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席莫妮从事的运动「定向越野」并非奥运比赛项目。But Simone's sport, orienteering , isn't an Olympic event.

日记内对植被的形容,可参考定向图例。Description of vegetation is according to orienteering legends.

定向越野是定向运动的主要比赛项目之一。Orienteering is one of the directional movement of the main events.

并领导全队在全北京市定向越野比赛中取得了第三名。And I led our team got 3rd place in an All-Beijing Orienteering Competition.

定向越野之各赛事选手出发顺序,皆将于比赛前一天晚上进行公告。Orienteering heading order will bulletin at night before the game beginning.

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他曾经尝试过定向越野比赛,只是我实在无法掌握那种技能。He had wanted to sample orienteering and I just couldn't get to grips with that.

作为一个运动员,中国,我来这里是为了赢得金牌,定向运动,为我们的祖国。As an athlete of China, I'm here to win the gold medal of orienteering for our motherland.

如果你想买,就要选购一个有透明塑胶底座的定向专用指北针。If you want to buy a compass, get one with a clear plastic baseplate meant for orienteering.

中国定向运动的发展基本上以自我探索和自我发展为主线。Orienteering development in China is mostly achieved by self-exploration and self-development.

在「城市游踪二○一○」的参加者探索香港岛,从活动中获益良多。Participants in City Orienteering 2010 benefited from the learning experience and enjoyed exploring Hong Kong Island.

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透过校园游历,利用定向竞赛模式、观察及估算,加强同学解难能力。Students' problem solving skills can be strengthened through orienteering , observation and estimation on the campus.

野外定向是在中国中部城市合肥举行的全国体育大会的卅四个非奥运比赛项目之一。Orienteering is one of the 34 non-Olympic events in the All- China Games being held in Hefei, a central city in China.

随着比赛规则的标准化,越野赛跑和越野识途跑越来越国际化。Cross-Country Running and Orienteering are becoming more and more international as requirements and rules are standardized.

本文就定向越野运动在甘肃省高校开展的可行性进行了分析。This article analyzes the feasibility of the cross-country orienteering which is carries on in the colleges of Gansu Province.

定向越野已在我国得到迅速的发展,越来越多的人投身于这项健康、智慧以及极具挑战性的运动当中。Orienteering has been rapid development in China, more and more people are engaged in the health, wisdom, and challenging the sport.

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定向越野运动是一项把识图、用图的能力和越野的奔跑能力相结合的一项国防体育活动。Orienteering is a defense sports activity which combines people's ability to read maps with their ability in crossing-country running.

定向运动十分适合学生参与,它能培养学生独立分析、解决问题的能力和良好的逻辑思维能力。Orienteering is suitable for students, and it can train independent analysis, problem-solving ability and good logical thinking ability.

有史以来第一次城市的激烈竞争冒险定向赛由亚洲保龄球组织士兵的慈善,发生在2011年3月26日在伦敦举行。The first-ever urban rat race adventure orienteering event organised by ABF The Soldiers' Charity, takes place in London on 26 March 2011.