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我们的船将在基隆加水。Our ship will water at Keelung.

快车在基隆有停吗?Does the express stop at Keelung?

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基隆以其新鲜的海产著名。Keelung is known for its fresh seafood.

从基隆来了一船煤炭。A cargo of coal has arrived from Keelung.

他们刚在基隆附近买了一栋房子。They've just purchased a new house near the Keelung.

提供大台北区车友团体讨论交流的大厅。Provide Taipei , Keelung , Ilan biker communion area.

铁公路共用的隧道,基隆临港线。如今已成绝景。A tunnel for railway and road, Keelung harbour branch.

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基隆市也在碧砂渔港主办了一场比赛。Keelung City also hosted a race at Bisha Fishing Port.

他们刚在基隆附近买了一栋房子。PURCHASE】They've just purchased a new house near the Keelung.

我们回家前还在基隆夜市停留了一下。We stopped at the Keelung night market before returning home.

如果昨天没有下雨,我们早该前往基隆了。If it had not rained yesterday, we should have gone to Keelung.

基隆站内的号志楼及小型臂木号志机群。A signal box and miniature semaphore signals at Keelung Station.

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庄严被命令跟随第一批船运文物到基隆。Zhuang Yan was chosen to accompany the first shipment to Keelung.

基隆临港线的双K道岔,如今已成绝景。A multi way switch point at Keelung harbour branch, not exist now.

跨河施工中的圆山悬臂桥。Spanning the Keelung river, the cantilever bridge under construction.

被拆成二截展示于基隆市情人湖风景区的CT271。The tender of CT271 was separated to display at Lover's Lake, Keelung.

比赛区域于碧砂渔港外,环绕基隆岛海域。Racing area will be outside Pi-Sa Fishing harbor, around the Keelung Island.

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太鲁阁号倾斜式列车正通过港西街平交道进入基隆站。Taroko Tilting Electric Multiple Unit TEMU1000 was entering Keelung Station.

船长命令下级在基隆卸下船上的货物。The captain ordered his men to discharge the cargo from the ship at Keelung.

闻名全台的基隆市庙口小吃已有三、四十年的历史了。The renowned food market in Keelung has been founded for more than 40 years.