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适应性和灵活性。A. Adaptability and flexibility.

抗压性和灵活性5。Crush resistance and flexibility 5.

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但是如果您需要增加一定的灵活性呢?But what if you need some flexibility?

那么,怎样来判断你自己的柔韧性呢?How then to judge your own flexibility?

具有极好的柔软性和弹性。It has good flexibility and elasticity.

该系统的灵活性也是一个长处。The flexibility of the system is a plus.

同时培训师也强调灵活的必要性。Trainers stress the need for flexibility.

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投资计画也需保有一些弹性。Your plan can also have some flexibility.

这种“周计划”的灵活性怎样?This "week plan, " the flexibility of what?

第一个理由是灵活性和可定制性。The first is flexibility and customizability.

中国的劳动力市场非常有弹性。They have flexibility in their labor markets.

科罗唱歌既充满激情,又十分灵活。Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility.

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组网的灵活性与无线计划Networking flexibility and wireless initiatives

这种灵活性是820.180节所允许的。This flexibility is allowed by section 820.180.

增加臀部,膝盖和脚踝的柔韧性。Increases flexibility of hips, knees and ankles.

在这一新的薪资弹性化政策中吃亏的是女性。Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility.

灵活性是所有事情的引导性因素。Flexibility was the guiding factor in everything.

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高可靠性和适应性的电控设计。High reliability and flexibility in panel design.

搭货船旅行需要灵活处理Flexibility Required When Traveling by Cargo Ships

所以你花的越少,你的灵活度就越大。The less you spend, the more flexibility you have.