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果蝇眼睛的电子显微图Electron Micrograph of Drosophila Fly’s Eyes.

在这篇论文里,我们为果蝇脑定义一个座标系统。In this thesis, we define a coordinate system for the Drosophila brain.

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对紫外线照射黄身果蝇进行了研究。The yellow Drosophila melanogaster were irradiated by ultraviolet rays.

黑腹果蝇是了解得最深入的模式生物之一。The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is one of the best-studied model organisms.

随函附上2009年度您使用布鲁明顿果蝇库存中心的小结。Your Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center Annual Use Summary for 2009 is enclosed.

本文介绍了果蝇P转座因子的一些研究进展。This paper introduced the studies advances of P transposable element in Drosophila.

黑腹果蝇的某一实验室品系拥有白色眼睛。A certain laboratory strain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has white eyes.

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“我们很幸运有一个果蝇遗传学家一起研究这一遗传学转变”。We're lucky to have an expert Drosophila geneticist on campus to test this genetic switch.

本文分析了钮额果蝇的生活力和B染色体的关系。The relation between B chromosomes and the vitality of Drosophila albomicans were analysed.

交互影响的温度和地理的移民行为的果蝇。Interactive effects of temperature and geography on emigration behavior of Drosophila melanogaster.

随着时间的延长,艾草提取液对果蝇的触杀效果增强。Along with the extending of time, the contact toxicity of A. wormwood extracts on drosophila increased.

掌握了这些知识,摩根和他的学生开始了第一次染色体地图果蝇。With this knowledge, Morgan and his students began the first chromosomal map of the fruit fly Drosophila.

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益寿胶囊可明显延长果蝇的平均寿命、最高寿命和半数死亡时间。The effects of yishou capsule on the life span of drosophila melanogaster fed by Wangs medium were observed.

芹菜原汁及不同浓度的芹菜乙醇提取液对果蝇的触杀效果均为0。The contact effects of celery juice and different concn . of celery extracts by ethanol on drosophila were all0.

为了观察魅力是否会遗传,英格兰的研究者们把目标对准果蝇。To see if attractiveness can be hereditary, researchers in England focused on the fruit fly Drosophila simulans.

布鲁明顿果蝇库存中心收集、保存各类黑腹果蝇并进行分类,以供研究之用。The Bloomington Fly Stock Center collects, maintains and distributes Drosophila melanogaster strains for research.

目的研究邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对果蝇生育力和寿命的毒性作用。Objective To study the effects of din-butyl phthalate on the fecundity and the life span in drosophila melanogaster.

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果蝇的SINA蛋白在眼睛R7感光细胞命运决定过程中起着关键的作用。SINA protein is critically involved in regulating the cell fate decision of R7 photoreceptor cell in Drosophila eyes.

目的研究厨房食用油烟雾中的化学成分及其对果蝇的遗传毒性作用。Objective To study the components of the condesation of edible oil fume in kitchen and its genotoxicity on drosophila.

在一项实验中发现酒精对于果蝇具有显著的影响,他们发现果蝇不仅喜欢嗜酒,并且在酒后它们的性向更加会偏向于同性恋。Drosophila flies allowed entry to an alcohol-strewn "fly pub" not only got drunk – they developed homosexual tendencies.