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第二个奖为“经济学家的废话”而设。The second award is for Economists’ Twaddle.

我这样说她,那是全无希望的拙劣废话。This is all hopeless twaddle that I am saying about her.

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他们不会把时间浪费在应聘人的闲谈上。They won't waste it listening to the interviewees' twaddle.

他们不会把时间浪费在应聘人的闲谈上。They won't waste it listening to the interviewees' twaddle.

我还可以一连六个钟点,手里拿着表,天花乱坠地大谈一通。I can talk the most superb twaddle for six hours by the clock, watch in hand.

诚然,这个主意将会激起右派的反对,但我认为这只是危言耸听的噱头。This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle.

诚然,这个主意将会激起右派的反对,但我认为这只是危言耸听的噱头。This very idea is going to provoke howls from the right, but I think that's alarmist twaddle. England once ran the world.

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每年一月,鉴于他们在过去12个月中的突出表现,我都要给世界最佳蠢话的提供者们颁奖。Every January, I hand out awards to the world's top purveyors of business twaddle for outstanding achievement during the past 12 months.

这里的比萨饼只有两种——普通口味和双份起司,没有所谓新时代南加州的橄榄加番茄干的梦幻比萨。They have only two varieties of pizza here—regular and extra cheese. None of this new age southern California olives-and-sun-dried-tomato wannabe pizza twaddle.

每年1月,我都要根据在过去12个月里取得的“杰出”成就,向全球最胡扯商业用语的提供者颁奖。Management twaddle has thrived amid the turmoilEvery January, I hand out awards to the world's top purveyors of business twaddle for outstanding achievement during the past 12 months.