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他被临时调到中央情报局工作去了。He was seconded to CIA.

艾伦·杜勒斯的中情局身份证CIA ID Card for Allen W. Dulles

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我真不想在中央情报局失去约翰·多伊奇。I hated to lose John Deutch at the CIA.

美国中情局要召一个刺客的职位。The CIA had an opening for an assassin.

普拉多和黑色密切合作,在中央情报局。Prado and Black worked closely at the CIA.

中局魂灵控制设施下方迪斯尼世界。CIA mind control facility beneath disney world.

他是布什的老朋友、中央情报局官员。Lilley, long-time Bush friend and CIA official.

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但是他恳请中央情报局的全体员工不要泄气。But he told the CIA staff not to be discouraged.

可以说,我们总是把质量放在首位。CIA mission of her father will be first-priority.

他贬低美国中央情报局的一群已时期。And he disparages the CIA as a bunch of has-beens.

他们物色到了当地的一个大学生作为中央情报局的特工。They talent-spotted a local student as a CIA recruit.

伊朗曾多次指责中央情报局绑架了阿米里。Iran has repeatedly accused the CIA of abducting Amiri.

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你拉下他,中情局带走他。Just one thing- you pull it off, the CIA brings him in.

“欧洲自由电台”最初是由中央情报局资助的。Radio Free Europe was paid for, originally, by the CIA.

中情局的行为就像恶霸而且无人能够制止?The CIA acts like bullys and expects nobody to fight back?

悲剧性的结果就是中情局没有注意到这条信息。The tragic result was the CIA failed to catch the message.

他将在九月份开始他在中央情报局的新的文职工作。He will start his new civilian job at the CIA in September.

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这或许可以解释为什么进来中央情报局对这一地区兴趣陡增。That may explain a recent surge in CIA interest in the area.

中情局在上世纪50年代设计了这种两人半潜水设备。The CIA designed this two-man semi-submersible in the 1950s.

中央情报局长如同他的老板和前几任一样,都在撒谎。The CIA chief—like his bosses and those before him—is a liar.