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我们可以感谢上帝的巴伐利亚糖曲奇。We can thank God for Bavarian sugar cookies.

您现在所收听的是巴伐利亚电台为你播报的新闻。You are listening to the news on Bavarian Radio.

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第一大众被服侍到巴伐利亚的总理。The first mass is served to the Bavarian Prime Minister.

第一大众被服侍到巴伐利亚的总理。How can a Bavarian fest be complete without a beer garden?

他6岁时就为巴伐利亚选帝侯和王后演奏曲目。When he was 6 he played for the bavarian Elector and Empress.

作为巴伐利亚文化的重要部分,德国啤酒节自1810年就产生了。As an important part of Bavarian culture, Oktoberfest finds its origin in 1810.

这只身穿教皇服装的博美犬在巴伐利亚州的一个村子里休息。The wonderfully-named Pomeranian Spitzel relaxes in the Bavarian village of Hailing.

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大部分CDU议员很快加入巴伐利亚同僚的阵营要求迅速减税。Most CDU deputies have since joined their Bavarian colleagues in a plea for rapid tax cuts.

迪特利希和他的妻子穿着传统的巴伐利亚服装逃到了瑞士。Dietrich himself headed for Switzerland, dressed in traditional Bavarian costume, with his wife.

依偎着巴伐利亚阿尔卑斯山脉的慕尼黑,跃居德国最受欢迎的观光地点。Nestled close to the Bavarian Al , Munich, or Munchen, reig as Germany's most popular tourist destination.

一名妇女沿着的安贝格旅馆中台阶往上走,旅馆位于德国南部安伯格巴伐利亚村。A woman walks up the stairs inside the 'Eh'haeusl' hotel in the Bavarian village of Amberg, southern Germany.

Nici公司的一位发言人日前宣布说,“我们已经破产了”,但他拒绝透露更多信息。"We filed for insolvency," a spokesman for the Bavarian toy maker Nici AG said, declining to comment further.

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最吹毛求疵的人也应该对拜仁宽容一点,慕尼黑的巴伐利亚女神像并非一天搭建起来的。Nit-pick the best people should be tolerant of Bayern, Munich , the Bavarian Goddess is not a day to build up.

它结合了清淡味,焦糖味,及巴伐利亚焦香麦芽味一起来创造一种令人难忘的明亮的颜色及酒体。A combination of light, caramel and Bavarian malt creates an unforgettably bright color and body for these beers.

德国图片画廊。田园诗的景色像这一片白雪覆盖中世纪的城堡是标准的经营在巴伐利亚的城市的瓦尔德。Idyllic scenes like this one of a snow-covered medieval castle are standard fare in the Bavarian city of Mittenwald.

德国南部孩子们穿着传统的巴伐利亚人服饰,准备着“赶牛下山节”。Children wear traditional Bavarian clothes as they prepare for the Allgaeuer Viehscheid cattle drive in southern Germany.

蒂姆有着长长的睫毛,长得象个昂贵的巴伐利亚娃娃,比如小王子或小牧童之类的。Tim had the long-lashed eyes and pretty features of an expensive Bavarian doll, a little prince or yodelling shepherd boy.

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在另一事件与蒙特在巴伐利亚摘要表现里,康定斯基是他工作的组成六。In another event with Münter during the Bavarian Abstract Expressionist years, Kandinsky was working on his Composition VI.

一位充满船员的巴伐利亚木匠挣扎不松软时的色彩编织木板相互转化。A well ambitioned crew of Bavarian carpenters struggled not to loose ground when weaving the Dinesen planks into each other.

接近原始的录制方式带来纯正蒙古歌谣以及巴伐利亚小教堂中的即兴哼唱。The almost classical recording presents Mongolian songs and improvisations in the fine acoustic of a little Bavarian church.