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本论文的目标在于反驳此种对事物的本质主义观。The purpose of this thesis is to refute his phenomenological essentialism.

第二部分,总结本质主义的特征,并对这一思维方式进行评价。Second part, Summarize essentialism characteristic and appraise to this mode of thinking.

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长期以来,人们认为,我们必须在本质论和建构论之间做出选择。For a long time the idea was that we have to choose between essentialism and constructionism.

本质论与社会建构论是心理治疗领域中两种对立倾向。Essentialism and social constructionism are two hardly compatible approaches in psychotherapy.

在达尔文之前,自然哲学家支持一种观点称为类型学,或本质论。Bef ore Darwin, natural philosophers held to a point of view called typology , or essentialism.

本质主义知识论发端于西方古代哲学家们的"本体论"追求。Epistemology essentialism originated from the ancient philosophers' pursuit of the "ontology" in the west.

刘勰“原道”说是困扰现代学人的一大学术难题,原因之一是文学本质主义的思维模式使其陷入了理论困局。A reason for this is their thinking mode of Literary Essentialism which puts them in a theoretical dilemma.

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女性主义对性别本质主义的解构与后现代多元主义对西方本质主义传统的颠覆相伴而生。Feminism destructed gender essentialism in the background of the destruction post-modern pluralism made to essentialism.

最后指出,哈特的反本质主义,法律语词的概念分析和他的解释学方法都来自日常语言哲学。Anti- essentialism of Hart, analysis of legal concept and method of hermeneutic come from philosophy of ordinary language.

康德关于艺术和游戏的自由本质论奠定了艺术起源游戏说的理论基础。Kant's free essentialism about art and play formed the theoretical basis of the play assumption that art originates from play.

巴格莱在文化观、教育观及教学观等几方面都体现了要素主义教育哲学思想。Bagley reflects the essentialism educational philosophy , on concept of culture, education outlook and teaching outlook on several aspects.

在后现代理论的观照下,美国学派的学科理念包含了本质主义和西方中心主义的因素。In the perspective of postmodern theory the study concept of the american school contains some factors of essentialism and west-centralism.

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但是更新的学术研究一直以来都怀疑中国外交的“奇特性”、“集中性”或者“战略上的隐忍”。But newer scholarship has long since called into doubt any essentialism about China's "singularity, " "centrality, " or "strategic patience."

本文探讨这个认知机制可靠性的问题,主要检讨心理本质论以及最小假设两个学说。This essay investigates the reliability of such a cognitive mechanism, focusing on both psychological essentialism and the minimal hypothesis.

一个是他们向这群女孩读一些基督教的基本教育说,对着她们的眼睛,于是看到了圣母玛丽,还有耶稣。One is that they are reading a kind of Christian essentialism into these people, into their eyes. They see the Virgin Mary, and they see Jesus.

本文讨论近期文学研究中围绕“本质主义”产生的争论,进而提出另一种称之为“关系主义”的理论模式。This paper discusses the debates around " Essentialism " in recent literary studies, and further suggests a mode of theory called "Relationism".

本论文不仅保有了批评家对奈波尔文本的严厉评论,并更进一步地去探讨其为何有本质论的倾向。Instead, the thesis not only criticizes Naipaul's belief in essentialism but also explores the reasons why essentialism holds an appeal to Naipaul.

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按照作者的“反本质主义”的思维方式,作者应当给出自己的“非本质式”的“中国法律理想图景”。According to auctorial thinking mode of anti- essentialism , the author should present his, non-essential China's Legal Ambition Prospect sooner or later.

以文学存在方式代替文学本质作为文学理论教材编写中的基本文学观念值得提倡。In compiling teaching materials of literary theory, the literary concept of substituting literary existence for literary essentialism is worth advocating.

随着女性主义对于社会文化的渗透,人们开始认识到,无论是男权还是女权,都是性别本质主义。Along with the infiltration of social culture from the feminism people began to realize they were essentialism of gender on matter man right or women right.