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最近出现的食道狭窄通常都比较严重。Late oesophageal strictures are usually severe.

怎样可以预防胃食管逆流呢?What can be done to prevent gastro- oesophageal reflux?

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食道侧囊上皮细胞和结缔组织中也有M-ENK分布。There was M-ENK in the epithelium and the connective tissue of the oesophageal pouch too.

目的探讨邳州市居民食管癌发病危险因素及保护因素。Objective To explore the risk factors and preventive factors oesophageal cancer in Pizhou city.

目的探讨小儿食管良性狭窄的外科手术治疗方法及手术时机。To investigate the methods and period of surgical management of benign oesophageal strictures of infant.

目的探讨短PR间期综合征患者的食道电生理特点。Objective To study the characteristics of oesophageal electrophysiologic examination of short PR interval.

高温食物会损伤食道黏膜,严重时导致食道起泡、溃烂、甚至出血。The high-temp food will damage our Oesophageal mucosa and may even cause blisters, ulcerations and bleeding.

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在欧美国家,抽烟和喝酒是导致食道癌的主要因素。Tobacco and alcohol are the main factors linked to the development of oesophageal cancers in Europe and America.

目的探讨食管肿瘤术后乳糜胸的诊断、治疗和预防。Objective To study the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chylothorax following resection of oesophageal tumor.

您可能会看到'未分化癌的食道,在您的医疗报告如果您有这种类型的食道癌症。You may see 'undifferentiated carcinoma of the oesophagus' in your medical reports if you have this type of oesophageal cancer.

改善营养状况并进行持续的食道扩张应是扩张术成功的关键所在。Both improvement in nutritional status and sustained oesophageal patency should be the reference points to a successful dilatation.

因为对找到关于这方面的更多信息的兴趣,伊朗研究员来到戈勒斯坦省,一个世界上食管癌发病率最高的地方之一。Interested in finding out more, Iranian researchers went to Golestan province, which has one of the highest rates of oesophageal cancer in the world.

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由于格列斯坦省的居民有饮热茶的习惯,所以当地患食道癌的比例一直很高。A large proportion of Golestan inhabitants drink hot tea, so this habit may account for a substantial proportion of the cases of oesophageal cancer in this population.

某些食管病患者可以并发此病,例如膈疝,狭窄、贲门松弛不良以及食管憩室或咽袋患者。Recurrent episodes occur in some oesophageal diseases includinghiatus hernia, stricture, achalasia of the cardia, and in patients with diverticula or pharyngeal pouch.

大多数儿童食道腐蚀性狭窄发现较晚,此时进行扩张手术可能较为困难,而且复发率大大提高。The majority of oesophageal caustic strictures in children are observed late, when dilatation procedures are likely to be more difficult and carry a significantly higher recurrence rate.

1月份被诊断患有食道癌的日本著名指挥家小泽征尔日前透露,其恢复情况良好,但仍然决定取消多场演出,以集中精力进行治疗。Acclaimed Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa, who had been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in January, said he was recovering well, but decided to cancel more concerts to concentrate on treatment.