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不好的想法散播懒惰,拖沓等等。Malefic thoughts spread laziness, procrastination, etc.

如果行星本身是一颗煞星或者存在不良相位的话,这就是件好事情。This can be good if the planet is a malefic or poorly spected.

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这是非常强大的升华土星的邪恶的影响。It is very powerful to sublimate the malefic effects of Saturn.

我们应该重视暴力对儿童的有害影响。We should pay attention to the malefic influences of violence on the children.

这种势利的有害影响正迅速扩散到全世界。The malefic influences, of this snobbery are rapidly spreading all over the world.

这些狡诈邪恶的生物是恶魔基尔加丹最信任的助手。These cunning, malefic beings once served as the demon Kil'jaeden's most trusted lieutenants.

另外,行星的黄道状态不利时,无论在何宫位,都会产生不利影响。On the other hand, any planet in unfavorable zodiacal state, in whatever house, acts as a malefic.

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现在联盟和部落开始面对邪恶的巫妖王并一劳永逸的消灭天灾。Now the Alliance and Horde have come to confront the malefic Lich King and put an end to the Scourge.

任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic.

这个吊坠是用来平息木星的邪恶的作用,还是要加强这方面的星球星座。This Pendants is used to pacify the malefic effects of Planet Jupiter or to strengthen this planet in ones Horoscope.

现在,轮到你来面对邪恶的伊利丹及其手下,将外域从混乱和暴政中解放出来。Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Illidan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.

凶星的负面相位,会引发其所落宫位代表事件的巨大的麻烦。Bad aspects from a naturally malefic Planet cause considerable trouble in the affairs signified by the Houses in which they fall.

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虽然长期以来,土星一直被看作“煞星”或者在命盘中具有消极的影响,伴随着进入现代占星学,这种解读还是多少有些改变的。Long considered a "malefic" or negative energy in the zodiac, the entry into modern astrology has altered it's interpretation somewhat.

凶星的正面相位意味着,在比较温和的困境中,会产生一定的成就或者财富。By means of its good aspects a naturally malefic Planet will produce a certain success or fortune in the midst of moderate difficulties.

星盘主制造他的一个详细的、根据有害的的连接、即刑和对位的观点的、对于第十二宫位情况的研究。The aspirant makes a detailed study of his twelfth house conditions from the standpoint of malefic conjunctions squares and oppositions.

你还有件需要知道的事情,那就是吉星和凶星的概念,还有他们之间相互的联系。The other thing that you need to know is the concept of benefic and malefic planets, as well as the correlate concept of planetary sect.

对于合相,影响力的性质取决于其相关的行星的凶吉性以及黄道属性。In conjunctions, the quality of the effects depends on the benefic or malefic nature of the Planets concerned, as well as their Zodiacal state.

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他号令罪恶的深渊领主和他们的野蛮的首领毁灭者玛诺洛斯。阿克蒙德希望建立起能够摧毁一切生命的杰出力量。Calling upon the malefic pit lords and their barbarous leader, Mannoroth the Destructor, Archimonde hoped to establish a fighting elite that would scour creation of all life.