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你能估计出修理我的车要花多少钱吗?。Can you give a guesstimate of how much it will cost to fix my car?

我没有掌握全部事实,但我可以根据自己的经验猜测。I don't have all the facts, but I can make a guesstimate based on my experience.

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3000万是我粗略估计我喜欢的女人的数目。Thirty million is my rough guesstimate of how many desirable single women there are.

食品商标通常没有注明饱和脂肪量,但是,有一个“猜测估计法”。Food labels don't usually list saturated—fat content, but there's a way to "guesstimate."

我的“极简主义之旅”大概是今年初开始的吧,具体时间我也记不清了。I’d guesstimate I began my minimalist journey around the beginning of this year, I don’t remember.

如果你认真分析一下政府的几乎任何一个统计或测算,就会发现他只不过是一个大约估计而已。If you examine almost any government statistic or calculation more closely, you will find that it is a guesstimate.

这是很简单,对于那些妇女谁经常有期,并可以很容易猜测一天的婴儿,他们将到达。This is very simple for those women who have regular periods and can easily guesstimate the day their baby will arrive.

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我手工缠绕并粗略修剪了层压粘合区域的纸样,以确定怎样才能最好地剪裁碳纤维。I hand wrapped and rough trimmed paper patterns around the area to be laminated to guesstimate how best to cut the carbon.

科学家们说,有一个窍门,数数你的推车里的东西,然后乘上你估算每件物品的平均价格就可以啦。One trick, the scientists say, is to count what’s in your cart and multiply by a guesstimate of the average cost of the items.

在解决办法奏效之前,要分配一段时间测试所列出的每一个解决方法,这些解决方法通常建立在你多久才估计出它的需求之上。Allocate a certain amount of time to test each solution in the list based on how long you’d guesstimate it needing before it takes effect.

但是既然商品并不产生利息和红利,那么其在某天的价格就只是对未来供应和需求的一种猜测。But since commodities don't throw off interest or dividends, their price on any given day is just a guesstimate of future supply and demand.